An IRS Enrolled Agent joins the Relex team as the IRS begins auditing cryptocurrencies

Relex News
Relex Cryptocurrency
2 min readJul 17, 2018

Known for its regulatory compliance, Relex has once again surprised the cryptocurrency world by adding an IRS Enrolled Agent onto its executive team.

John Ro, a tax professional and IRS Enrolled Agent stationed out of Chicago, Illinois, has joined the Relex executive team as its Chief Financial Officer.

Ro joins a team comprised of a former JP Morgan VP and Wikistrat veterans. Three members of the team also have backgrounds in anti-fraud.

Ro is a graduate of UCLA with a degree in Economics and Accounting. He was a certified CPA in California.

As an IRS Enrolled Agent, Ro is licensed directly by the US Treasury. He can represents clients in all 50 states.

Relex is the only team in cryptocurrency with an IRS Enrolled Agent on its team.

Ro joins the Relex team at a time when the IRS has begun to investigate cryptocurrency companies.

As an Enrolled Agent with the IRS, Ro provides his services to Relex to ensure Relex is compliant with the IRS.

The Relex team is no stranger to regulatory compliance, having partnered with Katipult to create an SEC and FINRA compliant platform, scheduled to launch by the end of summer.

Relex is the up-and-coming team and project in cryptocurrency.

Relex recently launched a new branch, Relex Life, based on health and wellness innovations. The team is currently partnered with Dr. Stephen Boyd’s Aura Inhale, a company that has a twenty year patent on unrivaled inhalable technology.

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