Relex Hunter Day 5: Land Scout

Relex News
1 min readJul 9, 2018


Relex Hunters, it’s time to strap on your expedition gear and go hunting. We’re looking for land today!

The fifth day of the Relex Hunter challenge asks you to find an undeveloped parcel of land that you think is perfect for a Relex Development project.

Then, submit a photo of that land with the Relex Development logo on it and the coordinates (latitude and longitude) for that precise spot.

Afterwards, we want to know why this prime real estate development land. Is it near a city center? Is there a beautiful view? Is it easily accessible from main roadways? You tell us!

With the collective geography of our community, the entire world is ripe for Relex Development to step in and build.

So get out there and find some land. And, who knows, maybe you’ll see the Relex logo adorning something built there in a few years.

Deadline: July 16th

Prize: 100,000 RLX first place, 25,000 RLX second place (if applicable)

Click here to submit.

