Relex Hunter Day 8: Spaghetti and Marshmallows

Relex News
1 min readJul 12, 2018


Relex Hunter Day 8: Final Day (Spaghetti and Marshmallows)

Everyone, we hope you’ve had as much fun as we did with this Relex Hunter competition.

Our last competition is just for fun. Create the biggest, tallest, most complex, most accurate rendition of the Relex Development, Relex Life, or Nebula logos with… spaghetti, marshmallows, gummy bears, etc.! To clarify, we’re looking for a very tall structure with the Relex, Relex Life, or Nebula logos — extra points if those logos are also made out of edibles.

Have fun and submit your culinary masterpieces via an images or images that shows the grandeur of your creation.

Deadline: July 19th

Prize pool: 100,000 RLX first place, 25,000 RLX second place (if applicable)

Submit your entries here.

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