Photo by softmarmotte on Unsplash

The shyness of two trees

Jai Vignesh


Day 08

On April 30th, I went for a walk at 5:45 A.M. Wow! It felt great to walk on the road without any cars. The roads were clear, and I could see people heading out for their early morning activities, and some exercising. I could even smell different foods cooking in houses through their windows.

Out of all this, one thing felt like poetry to me.

Among the sounds of birds and a few passing cars, I was walking on the left side of the road! There, I saw a gentle turn in the road. And there, I spotted two big Banyan trees on each side. Wow, those Banyan trees were huge! I’ve been looking at them for 5 years. But today, this scene seemed extra beautiful to me. Was there sunlight shining through them? No. Were there birds feeding their babies? No.

I saw both Banyan trees touching each other across the road. It felt like the world went silent as I got closer. I walked and walked. Wait! Why were they moving apart? As I walked closer and closer, they seemed to move apart. Was it because things seem closer when you’re far away, But not so close when you’re near?

No! That didn’t feel right. I thought they were shy.

So yeah! I enjoyed this scene and wanted to share it here.

