Muhammad Javed
3 min readMar 30, 2024


We are all very busy and have no spare time. We do something all the time, whether it’s good or terrible, and even when we’re quiet and alone, we do something. We recall memories, wonder about the future, and build castles in our minds. Basically, we are accustomed to seeing our reflections in mirrors since seeing reality is less appealing than seeing its mirror image. Busyness has gotten to the point that we don’t have time for anyone, even ourselves, and it gives us an excuse to be ignorant, fake, repugnant, and denial of ourselves. We have completely neglected ourselves and have made our lives into machines. Where are we headed, and why? We don’t have time to address these queries since we’re busy. We know we’re in a rush, but we don’t know why. We depart gladly and swiftly in the morning, like a prisoner suddenly released from a long sentence, and engage in all walks of life, but as the evening comes, we rush home, like a thirsty man searching for water. Again, we become engrossed in home duties, and thus our life cycle continues.

Every component in the cosmos, including animals, birds, plants, beauty, air, sky, water, sand, rivers, and seas, is busy. And we are the best of these creatures; how could we not be busy? Although we will continue to be busy, we should consider, “What do we achieve from our busyness?”

I have apprehensions. When will man be able to experience the beauty of life, such as broad meadows, verdant fields, and sky-touching mountains? He cannot recognize the beauty of life while he is enslaved to bustle. Life is more than just filling our tummies and moving on; it also requires a plan for heart and soul peace. The beauty of nature should be seen in accordance with the will of the creator. Whoever made these eyes has also designed scenes for the sight, lovely tunes for the hearing, riddles for us to contemplate, and marvels for our souls.

But we don’t comprehend since we are usually drawn to conveniences. We calculate, gain, and spend while being denied of the necessities of existence. Our whole activity centers only on fame, fortune, and physical pleasure. Does life have no purpose? Is life only about earning, eating, wearing, and sleeping? Isn’t life full of opportunities for leisure? Don’t we have time to wipe away the tears of others? We only know others based on our needs and their value. Will the man never recognize others for their humanity? Will our statuses and positions regard subordinates with contempt?

Let us think carefully about this significant subject, and it is time to take action to create improvements in our lives. One thing is certain: whatever that is not acquired in motion is attained still. A secret that was not attained in accumulating will be discovered in payout. The individual who awakens will learn something that a sleeping guy cannot. Leisure dismantles the web that bustle has stitched around a man. Busyness is enslavement, but leisure is liberation. Why don’t we just leave everything before it’s taken away?

