Muhammad Javed
8 min readFeb 20, 2024


Crushing winter season has taken its first stride and the long phase of summer its last — Nights are getting darker and longer — Strange fret has taken over pleasant evenings — Pullovers and galoshes have come out of the boxes — Unpredicted downpour are around the corner — Shepherds and farmers have taken all their precautions to confront the probable rain and frost — Coffee mugs and soup spoons are creating melodies at the dining tables — Leaves are leaving their bond from trees and screeching under the feet but the hope is still alive that spring will bring the happy bell to ring.

Omari, a mature lady at first sight — Chiumbo’s wife. They were living in Nicanga, a beautiful city located in Zambezia Province, near African peninsula. Omari is a woman of about twenty-eight……..a tremendously vital person, interested in everybody and everything, her eyes peer out through a wild tangle of hair like those of a cornered animal. Defiant and intense but skittering around looking for escape at the same time. Fight or flight. Down one cheek is a long scar, from just below the eye to her upper lip when she inflicted once working in the gemstone mine. Her VOICE is a low and chilling monotone. In contrast Chiumbo’s apparent indifference to anything except when he is going to get his next drink. There is a warm understanding relationship between them. They are really crazy about each other, but undemonstrative and humorous in their companionship. They are tolerant, easy-going, and battling their way together with a dry humor. Life was so close to them and days were so beautiful with their lovely twins (Azibo and Femi). For them, the whole world is to watch them playing and listening to their screaming all day.

Serenity was dancing and tranquility forgot to hide herself under the cover of misery. Desolation was an unknown feeling for them, just like the utopian world, no excuses but full of amuses. The social bond of their surrounding was so strong that they could feel without letting others utter their needs. Needs were fulfilled without asking for needs. The area consisted mostly of mangrove swamps, with forest inland. Shrimps were mostly fished in this place while gemstones are mined in most of the surroundings. Most of the people grew different crops to make ends meet and fishing was adopted as their business. Both male and female partners worked together and contributed to shoulder their household responsibilities extensively. Though, they had a low-paid population they made their necessities fulfilled and lived happily. However, in their neighborhood, different rebellious and so-called independence campaigns were on the rise. These were suppressed by the stiff claws of the state several times but every time it grew up again with a more powerful retort than before.

It was Tuesday, the cool breeze was blowing — bodies were trembling inside the typically fabricated clothing — Children were ordered to go back home because it looked like an expected hailstorm. A strange but terrifying wave has clutched up all minds that something frightening is very near to happen. A loud shriek — a mob was after an innocent child — The old lady striving to grab her sliced arm — a man was running after slaying another — The fire broke out and reached Nicanga city burning all that came on its way. Omari was crying helplessly — Chiumbo!…..Chiumbo! but her voice could not come out of her throat. Oh, my heart pieces (Azibo and Femi)… Where are you?. Come fast inside… she was pushing them into a narrow room and locked herself inside

The sudden outbreak of violence, agitation, and genocide in a remote city led to a tragic turn of events, forcing its inhabitants to evacuate in a desperate bid to save their lives. The once quiet and serene atmosphere of the city was shattered as chaos and fear gripped the entire region. The reasons behind such brutal acts may vary — whether it was due to deep-seated ethnic tensions, political strife, or economic disparity — the consequences were undeniably devastating. As the violence escalated, families found themselves torn apart, facing the harsh reality of abandoning their homes and livelihoods. The urgency to escape the looming threat of violence became a matter of survival, leading to a mass migration of people seeking refuge in neighboring areas or distant lands. The tales of horror and heartbreak that emerged from this tragic exodus were harrowing. Survivors recounted the atrocities they witnessed, the unbearable loss of loved ones, and the overwhelming uncertainty that loomed over their future. Soon, Chiumbo arrived with a bleeding arm, he had saved himself successfully but lost his right hand. Omari! Omari! Open the door…. Where are our kids? Are they safe? Yes, she replied… Hurry up Omari… Hurry up… Pick up both of them… You are going…

Where? (Omari Asked)

At safe destination…

But how? (Omari Asked)

Everything is arranged… Trains are taking all the refugees out of this tumultuous city. Move…… Move…… Don’t waste time anymore… noises, sounds of blasts, and bullet fires…their cries were buried down. Kids couldn’t imagine what was happening… they were happily playing outside but now couldn’t step out. Like someone has erased the whole beauty of the painting. The situation was particularly volatile in the evening time. The violence that ensued was marked by unspeakable acts of brutality, including massacres, rapes, and looting. Trains filled with refugees were attacked, leading to mass killings, and entire villages were burned to the ground. The sheer scale of the atrocities committed during this time is difficult to comprehend.

In the midst of this turmoil, humanitarian organizations, and neighboring communities rallied to provide aid and support to the fleeing refugees. Camps were set up to offer shelter, food, and medical assistance, albeit amidst resource constraints and logistical challenges. The resilience and solidarity of those offering help stood as a beacon of hope in an otherwise bleak landscape. With time, as news of the crisis spread, international aid and diplomatic efforts were mobilized to address the root causes of the conflict and provide sustained relief to those affected. The world watched in horror as the accounts of the suffered reached global audiences, sparking discussions and calls for action to prevent such tragedies from recurring. The road to recovery, however, was not an easy one. For the survivors, the scars of their experiences remained etched in their memories, while the task of rebuilding their lives and communities seemed daunting. Overcoming the trauma and re-establishing a sense of security and stability would require sustained support and commitment from both local and international stakeholders. The large-scale violence has countless individual stories of suffering and loss. Families were torn apart, and many individuals faced unimaginable hardships as they tried to find safety and shelter amidst the chaos.

Chiumbo, at last made his wife Omari ready to take their twins along and shift to other city through train. But reaching to the railway station was another intricate but dreadful task. The distance of 11 Kilometer is just like walk on fire and to offer kids for slaughter — Confronting terrible attacks of the rebellions, who had no one to spare…. Their butchery was equally affecting young, old, males, females. Lifting their kids along, both Chiumbo and his wife were rushing towards railway station, hiding in shrubs — in the forest — crossing bloody and muddy roads, trying to calm young kids — not to weep — forcefully keeping their mouths close — may be crying voice lead them to reach us — children’s cry was just like a call of carnage.

Amid the journey, a gang of hooligans came in front of the family with spears and daggers in their hands. They attacked the Chiumbo family but Chiumbo endeavored very hard to defend them and he was partially successful too. He got his shoulder badly injured but successfully safeguarded his family and told them “Not to stop at any cost”… Hurry up Omari run fast… Reach to the station… Be careful and be circumspect…. Keep the children safe… I am after you. Chiumbo was brave and fearless — his valor and gallantry were popular in his area. He fought tirelessly to safely drop his family at the railway station — Engaged all 4 ruffians for an hour but with severe bleeding from both hands and shoulder, he could not fight any longer and started struggling to stand on his legs. At last, a loud cry was heard — one of the opponents stabbed Chiumbo in the back and he couldn’t survive and died on the spot. His eyes were wide open looking at the path where his family treaded. His eyes were badly waiting to safely reach his family.

Omari ran conspicuously very fast and finally caught the train ready to depart. She boarded along with her children and started waiting for his husband impatiently. She was not aware that Chiumbo would never come and she had to be a father as well. She sat on the roof of the train where many females were already sitting. The weather was extremely cold and the crushing cool breeze and hailstorm took many lives. Soon, Omari felt that (Azibo) one of his children was trembling and panting with cold and his breathing started whistling severely. It took half an hour but Azibo could not recover and died in the running train. Omari’s world came to an end and she had nothing to lose more than what she had lost. She thought of jumping out of the train and she tried to but abruptly a thought came into her conscious about the future of Femi. She consoled herself and told herself that she would live for Femi. After hugging and kissing her dead Azibo, Omari put both her sons in front of her eyes and started looking at them madly. She was so desperate and dejected that where the train was heading was out of her mind. After a continuous 5 hours journey, the dead body began to stink and people became irritated. The train was going in full acceleration without any stop. Omari finally decided to throw Azibo’s dead body from the roof of the train. It was 2’o o’clock on winter’s night when darkness didn’t spare anything to blink. The train reached the bridge over a deep river. She decided to throw a dead body into the river. Both Femi and Azibo, similar in appearance were laid together. Omari was in desperation, anguish, and torments had turned her out of consciousness and she was a breathless being. In, black darkness, she immediately picked dead Azibo and threw him into the river. The moment she threw him, a loud scream came from the dead Azibo’s mouth. The mad Omari, threw her alive Femi into the river instead of dead Azibo.

“The death ruined Omari till death”

