Muhammad Javed
4 min readFeb 25, 2024


Sao was a very kind hearted and pious man with clean intension from inside and always found one step ahead of helping people who were downtrodden. Cathy was a poor widow with empty pockets and she had to shoulder huge responsibility for upbringing of three children. To provide food for her children, she had to work in different houses all the day long. Sao was her immediate neighbor and he could own her financial condition and wanted to help her without exposing himself before Cathy. Somewhere deep inside, Sao wanted to keep her honor intact as she had never begged for money despite adversities of life.

One day-Sao planned to put a sufficient amount of money in an envelope to throw in Cathy’s house at late night so that when she will get up in morning would collect that money. The plan was successful and later on-Sao started this practice every month. He received his salary, put charity amount aside and threw it in Cathy’s abode. Sao and Cathy both were internally satisfied without knowing each other. Although their pleasures were different in nature but connection was similar. But this similarity in spiritual connection could not take them at long distance. One dark night brought something very horrible incident which shaped both people in distasteful manner.

It was dark night of December, 2018, when Sao briskly went outside from home at sharp 2'o clock and heading towards Cathy’s small cottage built with uneven wooden pieces and dirty blanket which was hanging at the door. Dilapidated abode and the stagnant rainy water inside lounge were making the atmosphere very stinky and untidy. A few shabby, torn off and dirty clothes were found hanged on a knobby long stick erected right before the main entrance. The cottage was located in an old countryside where summer season was on full bloom. People were sleeping in street to enjoy natural cool breeze. Some cattle were half slept and the few were still cuddling. A terrified silence was prevailed everywhere. Sao as usual, finding his way in the second half of the dark night reached at Cathy’s half ruined abode to throw monthly envelope. The moment he went closer to the boundary wall, an old man Peter who was laying on bed started crying …Thief…..Thief….Thief…. His voice was so loud that half dozens of people residing in nearby houses gathered at the incident place. I caught Sao red handedly, Peter told proudly. He was about to break into that widow’s house but I caught him. What on earth would you find in dilapidated house, curse on you Sao. You are the filth of this town, you are the symbol of repugnance, and you are the notorious one. Someone said Sao has illicit relations with Cathy and he came here to quench his lust. Loud voices and curses were hitting like a hammer on Sao’s mind but he couldn’t disclose the purpose for which he stood there in this hour of night. Cathy heard all that conversation sitting inside alone and broke her silence at last.

She roared to clarify these severe allegations leveled against her. She said, after the loss of my beloved husband, I faced the unfounded whispers of an illicit relationship with so many people. I am a woman of unwavering integrity, stood firm against these false accusations. I dedicated my life to my late husband, building a home filled with love and cherished memories. My commitment to my marriage was evident in the countless sacrifices and the unspoken understanding that defined my relationship with my departed spouse. Since the sad demise of my better half, I am the bread winner of my children and toiled hard to win solace for my offspring.

As the whispers grew louder, Cathy, with quiet strength, confronted the gossip head-on. She recounted the love she shared with her late husband, the trials they faced together, and the emptiness that engulfed her after his passing. Her plea for understanding echoed through the narrow streets, appealing to the townsfolk’s sense of empathy and compassion. Neighbors who once shared laughter with Cathy rallied behind her, vouching for her character and unwavering fidelity. They recalled the years of devotion she poured into her marriage, dispelling the baseless rumors that threatened to tarnish her reputation. In the face of adversity, Cathy’s resilience shone brightly. Her statement, a testament to her commitment and virtuous nature, resonated with the community. Slowly, the cloud of suspicion lifted, revealing the unwavering strength of a widow determined to protect her honor and uphold the sanctity of her past love.

Cathy unveiled everything to save sanctity of Sao. She got handful amount of money from her room and showed to all people that where it came from. My children and I were hungry since three days, nothing to wear and eat. Nobody came forward to help me but Sao. He was the pious man who wanted to help me without letting himself disclosed before me. But he did not know that empty stomachs cannot let you sleep and keep us awake all the time. I recognized him from the day one, when Sao came to throw money in my house but I kept silence until you threw mud on Sao’s character. I spoke to prevent his veneration, to guard his character assassination, to protect his stature and to make all of you repent. I spoke……..

