Muhammad Javed
2 min readMay 4, 2024


“Let’s have a glimpse of humour”

I understand, I promise. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated on the day of your actual birth. Isn’t that the norm? Friends, rules are meant to be violated. If anything, there are a few significant advantages to celebrating your birthday a bit (or a lot) later than typical, in my opinion. Allow me to clarify.

To begin with, there are several benefits to celebrating a delayed birthday: more time for celebrations. You get an entire extra window to really enjoy the birthday celebrations, rather than just one meager day. Birthday cake for two weeks? Please don’t mind if I do! A whole month of gifts and attentions? Enrol me, please! You may prolong the birthday celebration for as long as you’d like.

The majority of people, let’s face it, are too busy or distracted on your actual birthday to truly give you the party you deserve. All of your friends and relatives are running about attempting to arrange arrangements and timetables. But if you wait a little while, all of a sudden their calendars clear and they are eager to give you a fit.

In relation to ragers, a late birthday allows you to have a bigger celebration. You have to exercise a little more restraint on your actual birthday. After all, the next day you have obligations at work, school, and other places. However, when it’s a surprise celebration after two weeks? My buddies, take off your gloves. Bring on the wild abandonment!

Not to be overlooked are the presents. People will have more time to discover the ideal gift for you if you celebrate later. No Amazon Prime orders at the last minute please. These are carefully chosen presents that are suited to your hobbies. If any of your family members and friends neglect to give you something on your actual birthday as well, you may potentially receive twice as much money.

You also have the element of surprise on a belated birthday. Nothing compares to entering a room entirely unprepared and hearing a chorus of “Surprise!” It’s like to having your very own cake-filled flash mob.

Therefore, don’t be so eager to mark your birthday on the calendar the next time it comes around. Enjoy extending the celebrations as long as you can, take your time, and relish the occasion. “Who says you only get one birthday a year, after all?” The more the merrier, I say!

