Muhammad Javed
4 min readMay 25, 2024


“Try not to be what you are not”

In life, we meet different kinds of people in terms of temperament, behavior, countenance, passionate and lethargic. Among them, I happened to meet one of those who passionately desired three things in life. He wanted to be as attractive as his mother believed he was, as wealthy as his children thought he was, and to have as many affairs as his wife suspected. He truly appeared to be sixty and was desperately attempting to look forty.

He thus addressed the polymath:

“I have largely been a happy man till the age of forty. Ever since I turned forty, I have not been happy. Guide me polymath as to what went wrong and where”?

The polymath responded thus:

“It is because of the yawning gap between your fantasies and the reality on the ground. Those men who try to bridge this gap end up looking sixty when they are essentially fifty in their desperate attempts to look forty.

The man responded:

I see the wisdom of what you are saying polymath. Your diagnosis is right. Please recommend some curative measures”

The polymath said:

“If you want to be happy, you must do three things. To begin, understand that you will never be as gorgeous as your mother believes you are since any mother’s standard in this respect is quite high. At your age, you should appear elegant rather than gorgeous. You might want to get rid of this ponytail and start wearing clothing that are more appropriate for your age rather than these posh ones. Second, remember that you will never be as wealthy as your children believe you are. You will constantly be out of breath if you keep chasing material possessions for yourself and your children. So, rather than chasing something you’ll never have, appreciate what you have. Furthermore, as has been stated, leaving wealth and property to your offspring is self-defeating. If they are good enough, they will produce riches for themselves; if they are not, it is pointless to leave them any wealth. Third, quit chasing ladies who are practically half your age. It is far better to adore your own wife than to waste time and money on ladies, only to be sneered at behind your back as a sugar daddy.”

The man looked as if he had just swallowed some bitter pills and said:

“These are hard pills to swallow polymath and I will try to swallow them all”.

The sugar daddy ending up flirting with his own wife

The social historian who devoted himself to meticulously recording how the words of wisdom of the polymath influenced the lives of the recipients wrote a complete chapter on this man titled The Man who flirted with his Own Wife’, This man did not pay heed to the advice of the polymath.

As the years progressed, his pony-tail grew bigger and the clothes he wore were ritzier and swankier. He kept on chasing girls and amassing wealth. We are told that this man seemed deeply unhappy and discontented and looked seventy years old when he was only fifty five.

Women of various shapes, sizes, and ages began to shun him. When he ran out of other alternatives, he began pursuing his own wife. He got so desperate that he was frequently caught courting and flirting with his own wife in public places. This sugar daddy of a man degraded to the point that he flirted with his wife at social occasions. The polymath’s insightful comments came back to haunt him when he lost his money in a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by his own wife.

Hay,,,,, stop,,,,,,stop,,,,,,stop….. Don’t leave me alone without STAYING 37 SECONDS … But if you are really retiring for a while then please leave these beautiful partners (100 comments, 100 claps and 100 highlight) with me. They will keep me fresh.

