Muhammad Javed
3 min readMay 14, 2024


“Birds are beautiful creature of nature but the sea birds have a special edge of beauty”

As someone who has always been interested by nature, I have a profound respect for a wide variety of birds. However, one species in particular has a unique place in my heart: the albatross. These beautiful seabirds have grabbed my mind for years, and their extraordinary powers and distinctive behaviors continue to fascinate me.

First and foremost, I am in awe of the albatross’ enormous size and wingspan. Some species have wingspans of more than 11 feet, making them true sky giants. It’s incredible to see these gigantic birds glide and soar freely over the vast ocean. Their ability to ride wind currents and travel long distances with minimum flapping is absolutely incredible. It’s little surprise that they’ve gained the nickname “the wandering albatross.”

But I am drawn to albatross for much than simply their physical prowess. I’m also captivated by their complicated social and breeding behaviors. Albatrosses are believed to mate for life, with intricate mating rituals including bill-clacking, head-nodding, and even “sky-pointing.” A married couple forms an extremely close relationship, and they frequently return to the same nesting place year after year. Observing these sophisticated social connections gives an intriguing peek into the inner life of these amazing animals.

Another significant aspect of my liking to albatross is that my favorite English poet “Samuel Taylor Coleridge” has wonderfully and exquisitely discussed about this bird in his famous poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”.

“At length did cross an Albatross / Thorough the Fog it came,

And it were a Christian soul, / We hail’d it in God’s name”

In addition, I am fascinated by the albatross’ extraordinary navigation skills. These birds can travel hundreds of kilometers over the open ocean, but they always appear to return to their nesting areas with amazing accuracy. Scientists are still working to completely understand the processes that allow albatrosses to perform such astounding feats of navigation, but it is evident that they have an intrinsic sense of direction that borders on the supernatural.

Perhaps what I admire most about albatrosses is their perseverance and flexibility in the face of hardship. These birds suffer several problems, ranging from habitat loss and overfishing to the rising issue of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans. Despite these obstacles, they continue to soar, their majestic presence demonstrating nature’s eternal force.

In essence, my passion with albatrosses originates from a great admiration for their physical strength, complex social behaviors, extraordinary navigational ability, and steadfast persistence in the face of a quickly changing environment. Every time I see these wonderful birds in their natural habitat, I am overcome with amazement and wonder, and it never fails to inspire me. For all of these reasons, the albatross will always have a particular place in my heart.

