Muhammad Javed
3 min readMay 22, 2024


“Naturally unnatural life story”

Last weekend I heard an interesting story of a man whose wedlock had unlocked him from all the constraints of time and space. Transformation from ‘tameless, and swift, and proud’ bachelor to ‘A phantom among men; companionless as the last cloud of an expiring storm whose is its knell’

Soon after the honeymoon was ended, his bride, like any respectable wife, began taming and domesticating him in order to prepare him for marriage. As a result, he began to live two parallel lives: one physically with his wife and one in his mind as a bachelor. He would draw connections between Shelly’s comparison of himself to the West Wind when he reflected on his bachelor past and Shelly of Adonis when he reflected on himself as a married man. He frequently reflected on how, as a bachelor, he was ‘tameless, quick, and proud’ like Shelly’s West Wind. As a married man, he had become Adonis’ Shelly, ‘A phantom among men; companionless as the final cloud of an expiring storm whose thunder is its knell’. As a guy of literary taste, he couldn’t find a rational explanation for how he felt as both a bachelor and a married man.

Photo by motomoto sc on Unsplash

Like Shelly, he was prey and father of his own thoughts which hounded him like raging hounds where ever he went and he went everywhere to find peace. He was doggedly pursued by his own thoughts about marriage and the causal relationship between the passage of time before and after marriage.

“Marriage- reconciliation between the naturally unnatural and the unnaturally natural is essentially and naturally unnatural”

This weather-beaten and wife-bitten man, who appeared to be a totally tamed and domesticated husband, eventually found himself in front of Miss Prudence. Miss Prudence regarded this man as a ‘broken billow’ and ‘a fading light’, similar to Adonis’ Shelly. Miss Prudence understood why Shelly had stated that on a wilting flower, the killer sun smiled brilliantly.

Miss Prudence was not surprised when he asked her this question:

“Tell me Miss Prudence about marriage. Is it a natural relationship”?

The answered that came forth from Miss Prudence was so profound and yet so lucid and unambiguous that those who heard it in the beautiful garden of Miss Prudence that day instantly became wiser by several notches.

This was the historic answer:

“Man has conspired to naturalize the naturally unnatural phenomenon of marriage and this process of naturalization of marriage spanning over centuries has resulted in the naturally unnatural becoming unnaturally natural but in the process man has forgotten that reconciliation between the naturally unnatural and the unnaturally natural is essentially and naturally unnatural”.

The effect of this smart speech was so strong that the accompanying stillness was deafening, exacerbated by the three single clapping noises from that weathered and wife-bitten man who appeared to be a totally tamed and domesticated husband.

The appetite for wisdom of that man seemed insatiable as he further asked:

“Why do the years following marriage seem longer than those preceding marriage”?

Miss Prudence smiled kindly as she knew that this man as a school boy must have always failed in physics and addressed him thus:

“The years following marriage seem longer than those preceding marriage because of Einstein and his Theory of Relativity”.

The weather beaten and wife bitten man at that moment, not only finally understood the Theory of Relativity but also the reason for the longevity of his marital years.

Credit and appreciation goes to Mr Zahid Abdullah.

Hay,,,,, stop,,,,,,stop,,,,,,stop….. ! Don’t leave me alone without STAYING 37 SECONDS … But if you are really retiring for a while then please leave these beautiful partners (100 comments, 100 claps and 100 highlight) with me. They will keep me fresh.

