Dance More Often! But Let Your Body Move YOU— Intuitively

Express yourself through movement and transmute energies

Janine Friedrich
4 min readAug 6, 2023
Foto von Ahmad Odeh auf Unsplash

Dancing — is such an underrated activity! But wait — I’m not speaking of the “dancing” that “happens” while being in a club, too full of people, who may or may not be hopped up on drugs, where there is not enough good air to breathe, not enough space to move, but a lot of awareness on how to shake the booty just enough to not spill the expensive drink but get someone’s attention. No, not that kind of “dancing”. Also not that kind of “dancing” where the body is squeezed into an unnatural uniform of movement and mechanically learns a predefined sequence of steps.

True Dancing is an art. It is a form of movement therapy. It is energy in motion. It is something that allows our soul to express itself, to take up space rather than constrict it. It is fluid, not mechanical. It comes naturally. It is inner wisdom, deeply rooted in the ancient song of our rhythmic body that shows us what we are feeling and how to transmute it into something that serves us best. Therefore we all know how to move our bodies the way they are meant to be moved, and if not, it is simply a matter of reconnecting back to ourselves and listening to the energy inside and allowing it to flow and take form, no matter how it may look. We need to relearn how to feel, how we feel.

In order to reconnect with our bodies’ true language, all we need to do is to give ourselves the gift of time: As I found out for myself, it is very important to have a timeframe for dancing that is not limited. Simply because our body and soul don’t want to be restricted, they want to be free — Meaning, we better don’t be like: “Okay, I have to move, so I will dance for 30 minutes.” Even though that is generally speaking a good thing to do, in this case though, it is best, if we discard all the pressure, all the limits, and almost all the “have to’s”. Almost because the only thing we really have to do is to rid ourselves of all restrictions.

Want to try it? Let me give you some specific tips.

Create a safe space and a wide-open window of time. Therefore, a relaxed Sunday, where you have literally nothing planned, seems a good day to start reconnecting to your body.

Be sure to have a space where you do NOT see your reflection in a mirror or window. It would be restricting and distracting at the same time — watching yourself move would miss the whole point of feeling yourself move. It absolutely doesn’t matter how it looks.

And most importantly: You don’t even instruct your body to start moving. Instead, you put on a playlist you like and listen to it for a while while sitting or laying down. You might want to sing along. Go for it. You might want to let your hands take certain shapes in the air or wiggle your shoulder. Go for it. And whenever your body feels that it wants to break free, it will tell YOU to start moving, dancing, and shaking and also HOW. It is not the other way around. This is where the magic happens.

You completely indulge in what your body and soul as a unity want to express. Feelings might surface, let them. It is because you allow your emotions to be in motion. In this space, you have the power to transmute heavy energies, heal old wounds, and recover and strengthen the connection to yourself.

So, dance, move, shake, and let your body take shapes for however long feels good and right. Listen the whole time to how you feel. Feel how your body moves you. Let yourself be moved. You’ll see that your cells will remember who you are and how your very own rhythm takes up the space meant for it.

With time you will learn to be a better listener to your body. You will be able to move your body in new, more fluid, more natural, more healing ways. You will become better at processing feelings because this is literally movement therapy. You will become better at finding inner peace in the here and now. You will also become more self-aware through conscious dance. Your mind and mental health will also improve. There are lots of benefits.

I started doing this a year ago every time, my body finds new ways of expressing itself through movement. Also, my body learned that I would give it the space to do so because I in turn learned how to listen to its needs.

Try it if it speaks to you and let me know in the comments how it turned out for you! Thank you so much for taking the time to read. Hope it inspired and helped you on your journey. Much love!

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Janine Friedrich

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.