
A VBS Puppet Skit in Three Parts

Jason Steffens
11 min readJun 11, 2015

Author’s Introduction

I wrote the following puppet skit and played the character of Bobby for Vacation Bible School at Twin Pines Baptist Church in the summer of 2013. At Twin Pines, we run our VBS each weeknight for a week, except Friday, for one-and-a-half to two hours. It is for children three-years-old up to those going into sixth grade. It is a combination of Bible memorization, games, skits (live action and puppet), stories, and Bible messages. This skit ran three of the nights. Each part is designed to last 5 to 7 minutes.

This skit is free to use, copy, distribute, or modify as you see fit, with or without attribution.

Basic Story

Bobby decides to become a missionary. But he soon learns there are things he hasn’t thought about. Like learning a new language. And giant Brazilian rats. With help from his friends Jimmy and Susie, through lessons of aiding those in need, faithfulness, and yielding to God, Bobby stays true to God’s call on his life.


Here are the basic requirements to successfully put on this puppet skit:

  • a stage or other setup from which the puppets can appear (we connected PVC pipe and hung curtains to hide behind)
  • four puppets, three of which should be people and one an animal (the written skit assumes a giant rat)
  • three or four enthusiastic actors willing and able to give the characters distinct personalities (while there are four puppets, only three appear at a time)

If you cannot meet these particular requirements for numbers of puppets and actors, again you are free to adapt the skit to fit your needs and resources, with or without attribution.

Part 1: Bobby’s Decision; A Helpful Friend

Bobby: Waaaaahoo! Yes! (continues screaming excitedly)

[Jimmy enters]

Bobby: Hey Jimmy! Welcome to the playground!

Jimmy: Uh, hey Bobby.

Bobby: Just a minute. I just have to say something real quick.

Jimmy: What is it?

Bobby: Yaaaaaaahoo!

Jimmy: What are you so excited about?

Bobby: I have just made the best decision ever.

Jimmy: What decision did you make?

Bobby: I am going to be a missionary!

Jimmy: A missionary for what? Oh, let me guess! You are going to spread the good news that Twinkies are back on store shelves throughout the land!

Bobby: Well, that is good news, but no, that’s not what I mean. I am going to be a missionary for Jesus. He saved me and I want everyone to know that He died for them, too.

Jimmy: Okay, I suppose that is even better than Twinkies. But where are you going to be a missionary to?

Bobby: To? What do you mean?

Jimmy: You know, where are you going to tell people about Jesus? Missionaries go places.

Bobby: Oh, I know the best place. I am going to be a missionary to Brazil! Yes, that’s it! Bobby to Brazil! Maybe I’ll change my name to Bobzil.

Jimmy: Brazil? Why Brazil?

Bobby: Don’t you know? Brazil is made up of one giant jungle … gym.

Jimmy: Uhhh …

Bobby: Yep, one giant jungle gym with monkey … bars.

Jimmy: Uhhh …

Bobby: Just think about how much fun it will be to be a missionary to a jungle gym. We’ll just be swingin’ along, going down the slides, and I’ll say to all the other kids, “This sure is a fun jungle gym. Let me tell you about Jesus.”

Jimmy: Uhhh …

Bobby: Why do you keep saying “uhhh?”

Jimmy: Brazil is not a jungle gym with monkey bars. It is a jungle with monkeys.

Bobby: What!? Are you sure Jimmy!?

Jimmy: Yep. Positive.

Bobby: Okay.

[A pause.]

Bobby: Jimmy?

Jimmy: Yes, Bobby?

Bobby: What’s a jungle?

Jimmy: [Slams head down in exasperation.] If you really do not know what a jungle is, it is a place with lots of tall trees and long rivers. [Bobby nods his head in understanding.] It is hot and wet. [Bobby nods his head in understanding.] And, of course, there are lots of different kinds of wild animals, bugs, and fish — Monkeys, anacondas, piranhas, weird looking spiders, all that kind of stuff. [Bobby acts increasingly frightened.]

Bobby: But Jimmy! I am afraid of jungles and monkeys and all the other wild animals in jungles!

Jimmy: That might be a problem, Bobzil.

Bobby: I mean, I could get eaten. Or at least pecked at by strange birds.

Jimmy: They will probably leave you alone. You don’t look that tasty.

Bobby: Oh! What am I going to do? I can’t go back on my decision to be a missionary. But I am so afraid of getting hurt in the jungle!

Jimmy: Well Bobby, it’s true that you could get hurt in a jungle, but you could also get hurt on the jungle gym right here in this playground. So it’s no use worrying about.

Bobby: I suppose that is true. But I have been swinging on these swings and climbing on these monkey bars since we were little and I have never once been hurt on them.

[Bobby swings, the swing breaks, and he falls.]

Bobby: Ahhhhhhhhh! I think I broke my arm!

Jimmy: That’s really too bad.

Bobby: Ahhhhhhhh!

[Jimmy just looks at him.]

Bobby: Can you help me?! I’m in so much pain!

Jimmy: Look, I would really love to help. You know I would. It’s just that I am late already for something really important.

Bobby: What could be so important!?

Jimmy: I need to give my hamster a bath. I promised him I would do it today. I’m really sorry.

Bobby: Your hamster a bath!? Hamsters don’t need baths! They clean themselves!

Jimmy: I’m sorry Bobby. I’m sure you’ll be fine. I’ll catch you later, okay?

[Jimmy walks off]

[Bobby screams in pain.]

[Susie enters, humming.]

Bobby: Hey you! Can you help me!?

[Susie looks all around and doesn’t see anyone. Then she looks down.]

Susie: Are you talking to me?

Bobby: Yes! What’s your name?

Susie: My name is Susie.

Bobby: My name is Bobby. Can you help me? I think I broke my arm!

Susie: Broke your arm!?

[Susie runs back and forth yelling out, “He broke his arm! He broke his arm! I can help him! Yes I can!”]

Bobby: So you’ll help me, then?

Susie: Oh yes!

Bobby: But why would you help me? You don’t even know me.

Susie: Well, we learned in Sunday School last week that the Bible talks about how we should treat people as we would want them to treat us. It’s right there in Matthew chapter 7 verse 12. We also learned about this good Samaritan who helped a lame man on the side of the road when others had passed the lame man by. You look pretty lame to me and so I am going to help you!

Bobby: Thanks!

Susie: So, what do you need help with?

Bobby: My arm!

Susie: Oh right!

Bobby: I think we should get me to a doctor. Can you help me get there?

Susie: I can!

[Susie helps Bobby up.]

Bobby: Thank you so much! Tomorrow night, do you think you can help me get over my fear of jungles? I am going to be a missionary to Brazil. People are going to call me Bobzil.

Susie: Sure! I even know the language they speak down there. I can help you learn the language! Are you sure you want people to call you Bobzil, though?

Bobby: It seemed better than Bobbyzilly.

[Susie nods and they walk off.]

Part 2: Bobby Learns the Wrong Language; A Faithful Friend

Bobby [singing loudly in Spanish to the tune of “Go Tell It on the Mountain”]: Go-o tell-o on la montaña, over-o las colinas and everywhere-e-o

[Jimmy enters]: Hi Bobby!

Bobby: Hi Jimmy!

Jimmy: What are you doing?

Bobby: I am singing Bible songs in Spanish! Wanna hear?

Jimmy: No, not really.

Bobby: Okay! Here goes! [starts singing to the tune of B-I-B-L-E] El B-I-B-L-E, sí that’s-o el libro para mí! [stops singing] That’s all I know in Spanish. Or, español as we Spanish speaking people like to say.

Jimmy: That’s really bad, amigo.

Bobby: Which part? The singing or my Spanish?

Jimmy: All of it. Who taught you?

Bobby: My new friend Susie. She even helped me with my arm injury yesterday. It turns out it wasn’t broken. I had just stubbed my pinky finger.

Jimmy: That is good to hear. You were in a lot of pain yesterday.

Bobby: You never know how bad a stubbed pinky finger hurts until you experience it yourself.

Jimmy: Sounds terrible. But why are you learning Spanish Bobby?

Bobby: Remember Jimmy? I am going to be a missionary to Brazil! And my name will be Bobzil!

Jimmy: Uhhhh …

Bobby: And if I am going to be speaking Spanish all the time, I am going to have to start calling you Jaime.

Jimmy: Uhhh …

Bobby: Why do you keep saying “uhhh?”

Jimmy: Uhhh …

Bobby: That’s a Spanish word, isn’t it!? I am going to go find Susie to translate that for me! I will be right back!

[Bobby exits]

Jimmy [yelling after Bobby]: Bring me some Twinkies when you come back!

[Susie enters from the other direction]

Susie: Hola señor!

Jimmy: Hi. You must be Bobby’s Spanish speaking friend Susie.

Susie: That’s me! You see, Bobby — I mean Bobzil, he keeps demanding I call him Bobzil — needs to learn Spanish so he can be a missionary to Brazil.

Jimmy: Well, here’s the thing — You know they don’t speak Spanish in Brazil, right? They speak Portuguese.

Susie: What! Portugal conquered the Brazilians and made them stop speaking Spanish!? Ohhhh nooo! Who knows about this!? We should alert the United Nations!

Jimmy: I don’t think that will help.

Susie: Oh! I can’t bear to think of the travesty. How could Portugal do that?

Jimmy: Actually, Portugal settled Brazil a long time ago. They have been speaking Portuguese for hundreds of years.

Susie: Oh. You mean I have just been teaching Bobby the wrong language?

Jimmy: Yep!

Susie: Oh no!

[Susie starts sobbing. Jimmy looks around unsure of what to do.]

Jimmy: Don’t worry. I don’t think he has learned very much yet. He thinks “uhhh” is a Spanish word.

Susie: But what are we going to do?

Jimmy: I like Twinkies. We could eat some Twinkies. I think I have some left here. [Looks around down below him and stands back up with a Twinkie in his hand.] Got one! But only one left!

Susie: No! I mean what are we going to do about Bobby!? I am so embarrassed that I have been teaching him the wrong language.

Jimmy: Oh that! I know! Let’s just not tell him! It will be really funny when he gets down to Brazil and he starts speaking Spanish to them when they speak Portuguese.

Susie: Oh we can’t do that!

Jimmy: Why not?

Susie: I was learning in Sunday School the other day about how we are supposed to be faithful friends.

Jimmy: What does it mean to be a faithful friend?

Susie: Well, in the book of John, it talks about how people will know we are followers of Jesus if we love one another. It would not show very much love if I did not tell Bobby the truth just because I was embarrassed about my own mistake.

Jimmy: I suppose you are right. So, does being a faithful friend apply even when there is one Twinkie left?

Susie: Sí Señor!

Jimmy [sadly]: Okay, here you go, you can have the last Twinkie.

Susie: Why don’t we go find Bobby and we can split it three ways.

Jimmy: Okay! By the way, what do you think the Portuguese word for Twinkie is?

Susie: I think it is just Twinkie.

[they exit]

Part 3: The Rat Appears; Saying “Yes” to God

[Bobby is running back and forth yelling “Help! Help!”]

[After Bobby exits, Jimmy and Susie appear.]

Susie: Hey Jimmy

Jimmy: Hey Susie

Susie: Do you know what Bobby is doing?

[Bobby runs across again yelling “Help!”]

Jimmy: Yes. Remember how he wants to be a missionary to the jungles of Brazil?

Susie: How could I forget? He keeps insisting that I call him Bobzil.

Jimmy: Right. Well, he is practicing what he will do when he sees a lion in the jungle.

[Bobby runs across again yelling “Help!”]

Jimmy: He’s terribly afraid of lions.

Susie: Doesn’t he know that lions live in Africa, not Brazil?

Jimmy: I haven’t been able to slow him down from his training in order to tell him.

[Bobby runs across again yelling “Help!”]

Susie [yelling after Bobby]: Bobby!

[Bobby enters]

Bobby: Oh hey Susie!

Susie: They don’t have lions in Brazil.

Bobby: I know they have lions in Brazil. That is why I am practicing running away from them.

Susie: No! They DON’T have lions in Brazil.

Bobby: What! Why didn’t anyone tell me? This is great! Now I have nothing to be afraid of when I go to Brazil to be a missionary for Jesus!

Susie: Sure! I’ll see you guys around.

[Susie exits]

Jimmy: Brazil might not have lions, but I’ll tell you what it does have.

Bobby: What!?

Jimmy: Giant rats.

Bobby: Ha! Ha! Very funny Jimmy!

Jimmy: It’s no joke. My former neighbor’s uncle’s cousin used to hunt them until this one time …

Bobby: Until what!?

Jimmy: I really shouldn’t say. I don’t want to scare you more than you already are.

Bobby: I’m not scared of rats!

[Susie re-enters]

Susie: Have you guys seen a rat? I lost my pet rat!

Jimmy: You have a pet rat?

Susie: Yes! It’s a giant rat from Brazil. Let me know if you see it, OK?

Jimmy: Sure thing Susie.

[Susie exits]

Bobby: Are you afraid of giant rats from Brazil, Jimmy?

Jimmy: Me? Of course not?

[Rat appears. Bobby and Jimmy scream “Ahhhh!” in unison]

Rat: Hey guys.

Jimmy: You talk?

Rat: Either of you have any Twinkies? I escaped from my cage and I am on a mission to find Twinkies.

Jimmy: No, sorry, ate my last Twinkie yesterday.

Rat: Say, you guys aren’t scared of rats, are you?

Jimmy and Bobby: No, not us.

Rat: OK good. [pause] Boo!

[Bobby and Jimmy scream “Ahhhh!” in unison.]

Jimmy: I’m out of here!

[Jimmy exits]

Rat: Yeah, I see you guys are really tough.

Bobby: Yes, I am not scared of anything! I am going to be a missionary to Brazil! They will call me Bobzil!

Rat: Hey, I’m from Brazil.

Bobby: Is there anything scary there?

Rat: There is one thing you need to watch out for.

Bobby: What is it?

Rat: The Bible says to watch out for the devil because he acts like a lion walking about seeking for people to devour.

Bobby: So Satan acts like a lion and might devour me!?

Rat: But the Bible also says that God is greater than Satan. If you have received Jesus as your Saviour, Jesus will always be with you.

Bobby: That is great!

Rat: So when Satan tempts you to do wrong, say “NO!” to Satan and “YES!” to God!

Bobby: I will!

[Jimmy re-enters]

Jimmy: Found ‘em!

Bobby: What did you find, Jimmy?

Jimmy: Twinkies! Enough for all of us!

Rat: Good! Because I was getting so hungry I was just about to eat you!

[Jimmy looks worried]

Rat: Ha! Ha! Just kidding! Oh, I crack myself up!

Jimmy: Yeah, that’s hilarious.

Rat: Boo!

Jimmy: Ahhh!

[Jimmy runs away]

Bobby: Come on, Giant Rat from Brazil! Let’s go eat some Twinkies!

[Bobby looks out to the crowd]

Bobby: And remember boys and girls, say “yes!” to God. And don’t forget to pray for your missionary to Brazil, Bobzil!

[Bobby exits]




Jason Steffens

Christian, husband, father of 5, homeschooler, attorney, writer