My favorite background resources on building and energy management

Joseph Aamidor
2 min readSep 15, 2017

The energy and buildings industries are rapidly changing due to new technology, new business models and resource constraints + a focus on corporate responsbility. This is leading professionals to move into the space, especially those with technical and software skills. I believe there are a number of reasons that workers are attracted to these industries, but two that stick out:

  • it’s nice to work on technology that is tangible
  • it’s nice to have a purpose beyond just profit

I’m often asked by energy and buildings rookies for for my summary list of links and resources to get acquainted with this industry. Here is is my list. (I didn’t include any of my own articles, but I think those are very good, too.)

Commercial buildings


Also, here are some good online magazines and blogs that I follow regularly:

Hope this helps. If you have some favorites, include them in the comments and I’ll update the post!



Joseph Aamidor

Product management professional in the built environment (e.g., smart buildings and cleantech). Product/market strategy consultant to vendors & building owners.