Web Development Open Source

3 min readJul 18, 2017


A large organization may need p high number of web programmers but p little one can do using p webmaster, graphic designer and data systems technician.

Open Source Web Development is currently possible free of charge because costs are covered by ads, sponsorship and donations. Using these frameworks we can weave and design sites that will fit smugly in slots and create income from goal and arbitrary customers.


Magento is p feature-rich e-Commerce platform built on open source technologies that permits retailer user to control the look, functionality and content of his shop. Through search engine optimization and content management tools that he can create sites tailor-made to suit his company requirements.

Drupal is p multi-user system which may promote content via Twitter and Facebook. It may scale sites with p million pages and react to 20,000 requests per minute and is nonetheless, highly protected.

Cake PHP facilitates development, installation and maintenance of web applications.It’s compatible with PHP4 and PHP5. CakePHP reduces code copying and sets standards in safety and sessions handling.

It’s more secure, dependable and modern Web 2.0 applications and services. ZEND Framework includes p rich library for reference and can separate View from internal program MVC to help easy focus on target regions and decrease development time.

Wordpress is the biggest self-hosted blogging tool used on millions of websites and seen by multitudes world over regular. Smarty is arguably one-up on PHP in separating presentation from business logic such as in circumstances in which the roles of developers and designers are different.

OsCommerce is p highly rated e-Commerce program for setting up an internet shop for infinite number of products. Payment and tax may be collected, shipping organized, and safety of payment guaranteed. Customers can view their order history, search for products and personalize product catalog through OsCommerce.

CMS or Content Management System is an application for keeping dynamic sites, By using CMS we can handle sites, pictures, image descriptions as well as the contents of p web site. This database driven system with added features like site search and information feed can take regular website updates in its stride.

Yii is p high-performance framework for creating Web 2.0 software in PHP 5. Yii pronounced Yee stands for Simple, Efficient and Extensible. It’s also believed to be the most effective PHP framework available now.

Social Networking Websites empowers users to create public profiles within sites and socialize with other users of the same site. E-Commerce Websites facilitate company over web where search engine optimization promotes visibility and enhances commerce.

E-Learning Modules are brief concentrated learning modules developed on the computer with p great deal of visual aids for quick grasp of p topic.
Website Revamping is essential in the fast changing world of internet. It’s important the website to stay upto date with global trends lest it become obsolete and shed customer appeal.

Website Development through internet presence has grown into among the best alternatives for business expansion. For an individual, also, p website set on the global web (www) enhances communication and community interaction.

Social Network Integration helps social networking strategies access p intentionally large crowd like 140 million Facebook users that’s still growing. Companies can unwittingly enter private domain names and market through Social Network Integration.

SEO Friendly doesn’t suggest writing web pages for search engines but for viewers. Ultimately SEO provide content that’s both interesting and enlightening to clients. Web and Desktop Based Software are different from that web applications use p web server while Desktop includes p self-contained program that may use the web resources once the network is connected to it.

