Android 13

Jaaveeth H
5 min readDec 26, 2022


Here we just check what android 13 comes with 😊

What’s in Android 13

I)Behavior Changes

Learn about system changes for privacy and security that might affect your app when it’s running on Android 13.

Like earlier releases, Android 13 includes behavior changes that may affect your app. The following behavior changes apply exclusively to apps that are targeting Android 13 or higher. If your app is targeting Android 13 or higher, you should modify your app to support these behaviors properly, where applicable.


Notification permission affects foreground service appearance

If the user denies the notification permission, they still see notices related to these foreground services in the Foreground Services (FGS) Task Manager but don’t see them in the notification drawer.

New runtime permission for nearby Wi-Fi devices

II)New features & APIs

Explore new features from photo picker to themed app icons, quick settings APIs, per-app languages, faster hyphenation, programmable shaders, and more.

Developer productivity

New copy and paste UI

Starting in Android 13, the system displays a standard visual confirmation when content is added to the clipboard. The new confirmation does the following:

  • Confirms the content was successfully copied.
  • Provides a preview of the copied content.

This feature standardizes the various notifications shown by apps after copying and offers users more control over their clipboard. For additional information, visit the Copy and Paste feature page.

Predictive back gesture

Android 13 introduces a predictive back gesture for Android devices such as phones, large screens, and foldables. Supporting this feature requires you to update your app.

To see detailed documentation, see Update your app to support a predictive back gesture. You can also try out our codelab.

Themed app icons

Starting with Android 13, developers can opt into themed app icons. With this feature, app icons in supported Android launchers are tinted to inherit the coloring of the user’s chosen wallpaper and other themes.

To support this feature, your app must provide both an adaptive icon and a monochromatic app icon, and point to the monochromatic app icon from the <adaptive-icon> element in the manifest. If a user has enabled themed app icons (in other words, turned on the Themed icons toggle in system settings), and the launcher supports this feature, the system uses the coloring of the user’s chosen wallpaper and theme to determine the tint color, which it then applies to the monochromatic app icon.


Your monochromatic app icon should meet the following specifications:

  • It should be a VectorDrawable.
  • We recommend that the logo fits within a 44 x 44 dp area inside a 108 x 108 dp container. If the logo needs to be larger, it can be a maximum of 72 x 72 dp.
  • We recommend flat logos; if your logo is three-dimensional you can use the alpha gradient.

You might point the monochrome attribute to the same VectorDrawable used by the foreground layer of your adaptive app icon, or reuse the vector drawable used for notifications.

1 Container area (108 x 108 dp).

2 Logo area (44 x 44 dp recommended, 72 x 72 dp maximum).

Implement a themed app icon

Add the monochrome android:drawable attribute to the <adaptive-icon> element. For example, in res/mipmap-anydpi-v26/ic_launcher.xml:

<adaptive-icon >
<background android:drawable="..." />
<foreground android:drawable="..." />
<monochrome android:drawable="@drawable/myicon" />

In your manifest file, define the icon using android:icon:



Quick Settings placement API

Quick Settings in the notification shade is a convenient way for users to change settings or take quick actions without leaving the context of an app. For apps that provide custom tiles, we’re making it easier for users to discover and add your tiles to Quick Settings. Using a new tile placement API, your app can now prompt the user to directly add your custom tile to the set of active Quick Settings tiles. A new system dialog lets the user add the tile in one step, without leaving your app, rather than having to go to Quick Settings to add the tile.

Improved line heights for non-latin scripts

Android 13 improves the display of non-Latin scripts (such as Tamil, Burmese, Telugu, and Tibetan) by using a line height that’s adapted for each language. The new line heights prevent clipping and improve the positioning of characters. Your app can take advantage of these improvements just by targeting Android 13. Make sure to test your apps when using the new line spacing because the changes might affect your UI in non-Latin languages.

Faster hyphenation

Hyphenation makes wrapped text easier to read and helps make your UI more adaptive. In Android 13, we’ve optimized hyphenation performance by as much as 200% so you can now enable it in your TextView with almost no impact on rendering performance. To enable faster hyphenation, use the new fullFast or normalFast frequencies in setHyphenationFrequency().

Color vector fonts

Android 13 adds rendering support for COLR version 1 (COLRv1) fonts and updates system emoji to the COLRv1 format. COLRv1 is a new and highly compact font format that renders quickly and crisply at any size.

For most apps, the system handles everything and COLRv1 just works. However, if your app implements its own text rendering and uses the system’s fonts, we recommend testing emoji rendering.

Thanks for reading, kindly support.

