The gift of prophecy
I can’t travel to the future because of the laws of time travel, you know well. You and I, meeting, could maybe, just maybe, rewrite our timeline as we know it into total doom. So yeah, we keep it safe through these virtual messages in the bottle. I hope it can reach you.
Happiness is not a lasting state, I hope you know that by now. God, I hope you know that. Think about it like a moment in which you open an ice cream pot and there’s ice cream there — happiness. You might think you’ve never been happy before, but you’ve been, I’m a witness to that. I saw your first steps into the world and watched you crash into it several times too. Do you want my pity or my advice? I hope it’s the latter. It’s the one I’m gonna give it to you, anyway. Fuck it if being the one that reaches out first sucks. Be it. Fuck it if you can’t pay attention to something, stop doing it and go stick your feet into the earth. Touch something real, like the padlock of your cage. Message your friends to go to a Café. They do want to see you. You want to see them too, you know it.
If we could meet, I would hold your hands and tell you I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, a thousand of wishes for forgiveness in advance. I’m going to break your heart and there’s nothing you can do about it. Well, you could stitch the pieces back together, but you know it won’t be the same again. I’m sorry for that. Know that you are worthy of a million songs, a thousand stories of love and countless moments of joy. This is not a goodbye. No energy is ever wasted by the universe, so see you soon. Enjoy the road back to yourself, you can see the flowers blooming by the road.