關於同理心從去年到現在,我覺得對我影響最深的一個觀念,是同理心。我覺得我對這三個字的中文見解,拆開來講好了,『同』這個字我把它想像成一面鏡子,相同,等於,對等,一樣,不分你我,我就是鏡中的我,沒有分別。『理』可以是道理,理由,理解,理性。『心』意味著不是理性去解釋,而是以心去體會。我覺得以…Mar 1, 2019Mar 1, 2019
溫室中長大的小孩當我接觸到越來越多的人,我開始會覺得我是溫室中長大的小孩。從小我就不是個會做決定的人,你可以說我是一個不錯聽話的小孩,但我想我爸媽可能也沒有這麼想。小時候在出國唸書前的記憶其實已經蠻模糊的了,感覺小時候我不需要做什麼決定,從幼稚園被送去私立幼稚園,一直唸到國中,課外的時候爸媽會排…Feb 1, 2019Feb 1, 2019
小學日記我記得小學的時候,我們每天都要寫一篇日記,日記寫半天,有時絞盡腦汁都還是寫不出來,有一次搞得我很煩,開始當作抱怨的管道,說一些我看不慣的東西,我記得我寫說老師穿著都很樸素讓我覺得上課很無聊,老師之後還有特別跟全班解釋說為什麼她要這樣穿著。現在想起來,這是少數我還記得的小學回憶,這…Feb 1, 2019Feb 1, 2019
From a Cup of Coffee, to Interpreting this Fucking Insane WorldToday I visited a local coffee shop. It’s a locally run chain. No fancy decor, pretty open space, some art pieces on the wall that are…Aug 19, 2018Aug 19, 2018
Replication of AuthenticityNothing is truly authentic. You may or may not agree. It’s like innovation. No idea is new. All ideas are variations of existing ideas.Apr 24, 2018Apr 24, 2018
The world we see and the world we live inThe world we see is hyped. The media, the drama, the celebrities, the social media. All of them provided a glance of how the real world…Apr 19, 2018Apr 19, 2018
The Norms, the Familiar, the Comfort ZoneCreative mediums are often good gateways that show us a different world. Through non-fictions, we often see the world from another person…Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018
Anger, Passion, and ChangeRecently, had an interesting conversation with a friend. It was about anger. We talked about anger as a drive force to change. It is a…Apr 2, 2018Apr 2, 2018
A window into someone’s realityThere’s a lot of ways to describe reality. In a most literal way, reality is what is real. What is real though? Is it about what we can…Mar 19, 2018Mar 19, 2018