Leveraging Husky & Commitlint to enforce Conventional Committing

Jack Williams
6 min readMay 11, 2024
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


In modern software development, maintaining a structured and standardized approach to version control and release management is essential for project success. One such methodology gaining popularity is Conventional Commit Versioning and Tagging. In this article, we’ll explore how to leverage the power of Husky Git hooks to enforce Conventional Commit standards and streamline your development workflow.

Understanding Conventional Commit Versioning

Conventional Commit Versioning is a methodology that advocates for a standardized commit message format. By adhering to predefined conventions, developers can communicate the nature of changes in a concise and consistent manner. The commit message typically consists of a type, scope (optional), and subject, separated by colons. Additionally, commit messages may include a body and footer for providing additional context, such as breaking changes or references to related issues. Check out my article on Conventional Commit Versioning and Tagging for more info.

Leveraging Husky Git Hooks

Husky is a powerful Git hooks manager that allows developers to automate tasks and enforce standards at various stages of the Git workflow. By…



Jack Williams

I’m a DevOps engineer with a passion for sharing solutions to complex automation problems and opinions on tools and practices in CI/CD, IaC, and cloud.