What’s Your Legacy?

Nicholas Jackson
3 min readNov 20, 2015


A legacy, what does it mean? A legacy is “anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.” That’s what I am going to talk about this week and how it correlates with my involvement in Cru, as well as my first year experience.

A few weeks before I left for my freshman year of college, I was at my home church and my pastor was talking about legacies. This message was geared toward seniors who recently just graduated from high school. He was saying that we all have a chance to leave a legacy and what will others remember us by. The message was great and he got to a very important point both spiritually and non-spiritually. He said to us on the non-spiritually side of things, that we all want to be remember for something great. He said that we as Christians should pass on the word to others so they can do the same when their time comes. My pastor also mentioned that we want others to remember us as followers of Christ and that got my thinking, that is what I want others to remember me by as well.

Little did I know, since I have been on campus I have been creating a legacy for myself. You may or may not know it, but you are creating your legacy every single day by your actions, words, etc. Personally what I want people to remember me as is a learner, an inquirer, a friend, a mentor, and a follower of Christ. Those are my top 5 of what I want people to remember me as. I believe that I display these characteristics well in my everyday life, in Cru, on campus, and in the real world.

Funny story, this week, I’m actually going on another retreat with Cru and it’s called “Legacy.” This retreat is for the multicultural students within Cru for the Upper Midwest. Cru notices diversity in their organization and they want to recognize it. This time at this retreat, we are going to have great fellowship and powerful messages about what it is to a Christian student of color on our campuses and in our world. Also we are going to talk about how we can leave our legacies for the world.

For my video project, I am going to incorporate all of my posts into my project including this one. The information that I am going to highlight from this post is what God’s purpose is for me and what’s my legacy is.

