Sample text to practice special characters

Jack Couch
2 min readAug 10, 2017


I recently released the crackle keyboard layout that is designed to make special characters easier to type (and remember).

The following is sample text I used to practice special characters using

112233445566778899 Saturn V rocket’s first stage carries 203,400 gallons (770,000 liters) of kerosene fuel and 318,000 gallons (1.2 million liters) of liquid oxygen needed for combustion. At liftoff, the stage’s five F-1 rocket engines ignite and produce 7.5 million pounds of thrust.

//// 1111 ^^^^ 2222 — — 3333 !!!! 4444 &&&& 5555 %%%% 6666 ???? 7777

To replace those goofy quantities with the far less retarded metric system (even though liters are considered part of the metric system they are the same as cubic deci-meters) you would say 770 cubic meters of kerosene {abbreviated as m3} and 1,204 m3 of liquid O2 [O2 is the symbol for oxygen]. We would also say it produced 33,600,000 newtons of force <abbreviated as N>.

— — 3333 ~~~~ 9999 :::: 8888 ;;;; 6776 ```` 2332 ‘’’’ 3323 “””” 4343 @@@@

To add scientific notation {a way of writing numbers that allows you to write only as many digits `of specificity` as you would like} you can write 7.7 * 10 ^ 2 m3 of kerosene 1.204 * 10 ^ 3 m3 of O2 and 3.3 * 10 ^ 7 newtons.

<<<< >>>> {{{{ }}}} (((( )))) [[[[ ]]]]

Another way to write scientific notation is to replace the “* 10 ^” with ‘E’ -/capital e\-. So our numbers would look like:s

#### 7.7 E 2

==== 1.2 E 3

%%%% 3.3 E 7

???? %%%% &&&& !!!! ^^^^ — — **** ++++ ====

