The All-Time Scariest Resident Evil Villains

5 min readJun 12, 2020


One of the household names in zombie games is of the Resident Evil franchise. This series of games has given the gaming industry one after another enjoyable and just as scary zombie games. The series even spread over to the film industry, Resident Evil is a big name indeed. Developer Capcom has given the players a host of games and even more gruesome and terrifying villains, so here is the list of the scariest of villains that gave the players nightmares of their own.

SOURCE:-The All-Time Scariest Resident Evil Villains

Capcom’s first Resident Evil video game was released in 1996, and since then, it’s turned into a wildly successful international franchise. Growing into more than just a game with spin-offs and sequels and movies and comics and much more. The Resident Evil franchise has given the players one after the other horrible abominations to kill and show off their skills on, and as the games have progressed along with time, the enemies and zombies have only grown more and more disgusting, grotesque and scary with better graphics and smoother gameplay. It has always managed to keep the players on their toes. Resident Evil 3 Remake’s April 2020 release was unsurprisingly a huge success.

All the monsters are not equally as dangerous and disgusting as Resident Evil offers a host of enemies. The range of these monsters ranges from far fetched and silly to absolutely terrifying and nightmare-inducing. If one thing is for sure, however, it’s that the series has set the bar high in terms of monster design for future remakes and sequels.

What Makes a Resident Evil Zombie Scary

This franchise has formulated some downright terrifying monster over the course of the different games that it has produced. The game has gone in all directions with different stories, but regardless of the campaigns being good or bad, the monsters always took the prize for the absolutely horrid appearances they had. Which monster is scary and what makes them scary is obviously up for debate and personal choice and feeling, but it is also impossible to look as some of these monsters and not gasp and shudder at the sight of most of the ghoulish designs that have emerged from the franchise.

Razor-sharp teeth and claws, multiple heads, and ungodly long tongues are common elements found in some of the creepiest Resident Evil enemies, but what plays one of the biggest roles in the ranking a game or a monster scary is the environment it is found in, or more like the environment it creates. Aspects in the gameplay like sneaking up on players and appearing out of nowhere with the horrible appearances generate more of the scare. It also makes it all the more disturbing when a character has an emotionally-charged back-story, with Marguerite Baker from Resident Evil 7 coming first to mind.

Resident Evil’s Most Terrifying Designs Ever

One of the first names that might come to mind is the Chainsaw Man (formerly Dr. Salvador). For people who are not exactly a fan of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre will likely agree to the horrible appearance of this particular monster. Although arguably, it is not the most supernatural creature in the series, the sound of the chainsaw’s buzz creeping up behind players is enough to give anyone nightmares. And it doesn’t exactly help that the Chainsaw Man’s kills are the most gruesome of them all, which more often than not end up with the decapitation of the player.

Moving on, anyone would agree that tongues are not exactly the most attractive part of the body if it is hanging out. And the fact that this next creature’s tongue hangs out and is of the length of its entire body makes it one of the ickiest creatures in the franchise. The player needs to be extra careful, as these enemies will dart towards their prey and use their frog-like tongues to reel players in, and if that is not enough, they are pretty powerful too. And the zombified dogs in the game are enough to make even the biggest dog lover a cat person with their ghoulish features and horrid appearances.

On the stronger side of terrifying monsters is the Nyx, appearing in the Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2. This monster is a pure abomination, and even though it’s named after the Greek goddess of the night, Nyx is far from being picturesque. Adopting much of the usual look of the amorphous Tyrant types that the games have gotten into (with a particular resemblance to the G-Virus’ bulbousness), Nyx doubles down on that infinitely. This monster, already being dangerous, ends up absorbing an entire UBCS team and a tyrant and starts using them as a mace against the player. If this doesn’t creep you out, nothing will.

Finally, one of the enemies who are on the rare side of appearances and doesn’t show up more often but are really powerful and dangerous is the Scagdead. This monster is particularly disturbing appearing in Resident Evil: Revelations as well as its sequel. The player needs to be aware of the monster’s two heads and the piercing teeth, as one bite can be lethal, and there is no coming back from it. And if the appearance was not enough, probably the terrifying aspect of this horrid monster is repeating what the person said right before they succumbed to the infection. Combined with the environment, this takes the prize in creeping the player out.

Jack Aron is a Microsoft product expert and has been working in the technology industry since 2002. As a technical expert, Emily has written technical blogs, manuals, white papers, and reviews for many websites such as

