Vault: setting up Kubernetes auth and database secrets engine

Jack Lei
8 min readJun 1, 2019


Implementation details for authenticating services to Vault to retrieve dynamic secrets/credentials.



Take a simple application that needs to connect to a database. The application just needs to know the host, username, and password. Cool, easy enough. Let’s secure the hell out of it.

The username and password are the keys to your castle. In production, nothing should have the secrets except for the application. Not even the pipeline. If the username and password to the database were to be accidentally exposed, the access should not be indefinite. Reduce and mitigate risk.

Kubernetes is the standard for container orchestration. That makes it really easy to scale our applications up. Each instance should have its own user and password combination.

Bonus points: The app should not be Vault aware.

After consulting with Hashicorp and watching Seth Vargo’s talks numerous times, I am convinced this is the proper implementation with my infrastructure at this time (May 2019). This is the breakdown that I needed to understand the concepts. If this can help someone else, awesome.

tl;dr: The goal is to secure secrets and reduce the risk if they are exposed.

What do I have?

  • Kubernetes cluster for my apps separated by namespaces.
  • Vault instance in its own Kubernetes cluster.
  • CloudSQL instance which is accessible by both clusters.

What do I want?

  • Secure the secrets retrieval process.
  • Reduce the risk when the database user and password are compromised.

This is not a guide to for an initial Vault setup on Kubernetes. I have another write up for that purpose.


Before we get into the good stuff, I do assume a few things are in place.

  • Vault is initialized, unsealed, and set up with storage backend.
  • Kubernetes cluster.
  • MySQL instance (I’m using CloudSQL).

These environment variables should be accessible.

  • VAULT_TOKEN — Vault’s root token.
  • VAULT_CACERT — Vault’s CA cert path.


In my mind, there are two main workflows for setting up. One is for setting a new cluster to communicate with Vault, primarily focused on the authentication method (this happens per cluster). The second is for onboarding a new application with a new database connection (this happens per application).

In both cases, we can think of four main sections of responsibility that can be configured and pass information.

Kubernetes — Home for the application. Responsible for making requests to Vault and validating tokens.

Vault Kubernetes Authentication Method — Perform authentication and are responsible for assigning identity and a set of policies to a service account.

Vault Policies — Policies provide a declarative way to grant or forbid access to certain paths and operations in Vault.

Vault Database Secrets Engine — Generates database credentials dynamically based on configured roles for the MySQL database.

I have created a small repository of scripts to help. Each section is represented in their own scripts in vault-helpers. If you are planning on using my scripts, please read the Assumptions section in before continuing.

A New Cluster


Create vault-auth service account in the default namespace.

kubectl create serviceaccount vault-auth

Give the vault-auth service account the token reviewer role. This allows the service account to validate other service accounts in their namespace.

kubectl apply -f -<<EOH
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: role-tokenreview-binding
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: system:auth-delegator
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: vault-auth
namespace: default

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --context apps-cluster --setup

Database Secrets Engine

Enable the database secrets engine at the default path database/

vault secrets enable database

using vault-helpers scripts

configure/ --enable

Kubernetes Authentication Method

In order for Vault to communicate with our Kubernetes cluster, there are a few pieces of information that are required.

Kubernetes host — Address that Vault can connect with.

k8s_host="$(kubectl config view --minify | grep server | cut -f 2- -d ":" | tr -d " ")"

Cluster authority data — Certificate to verify the connection.

k8s_cacert="$(kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}' | base64 --decode)"

User token — vault-auth service account with token reviewer role. Vault will interact with the cluster using this service account.

secret_name="$(kubectl get serviceaccount vault-auth -o go-template='{{ (index .secrets 0).name }}')"tr_account_token="$(kubectl get secret ${secret_name} -o go-template='{{ .data.token }}' | base64 --decode)"

Enable Kubernetes auth method at the default path: auth/kubernetes

vault auth enable kubernetes

Configure the Kubernetes auth method.

vault write auth/kubernetes/config token_reviewer_jwt="${token_reviewer_jwt}" kubernetes_host="${kubernetes_host}" kubernetes_ca_cert="${kubernetes_cacert}"

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --token-reviewer-jwt $(configure/ --token-reviewer-jwt) --k8s-host $(configure/ --k8s-host) --k8s-cacert-base64 $(configure/ --k8s-cacert) --enable --configure

New App


Create a new namespace. Our demo application will go here, not default. We’re not savages.

kubectl create namespace demo

Create a service account in that namespace. This service account will be used by our deployments that require secrets from Vault. Notice the service account name, this is different than the vault-auth service account created earlier. They have different uses.

kubectl --namespace=demo create serviceaccount vault

Add a configmap with the Vault address, preferably an internal IP or DNS address.

kubectl --namespace=demo create configmap vault --from-literal "vault_addr=https://vault.local:8200"

Add Vault’s cert to a secret.

kubectl --namespace=demo create secret generic vault-tls --from-file "${VAULT_CACERT}"

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --context apps-cluster --vault-addr https://vault.local:8200 --vault-cacert $VAULT_CACERT --new-namespace demo

Database Secrets Engine

Configure Vault to connect to the database. The user needs enough privilege to create and delete users and grant access. We will need to allow the demo-role role to access this connection, which we will create in a moment.

vault write database/config/demo-db plugin_name=mysql-database-plugin connection_url="{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp(demodb.local)/" allowed_roles="demo-role" username="root" password="password"

Rotate the root password. A new password will be generated and used. That means only Vault will have the password, not even you.

vault write -f database/rotate-root/demo-db

Add the role which allows for temporary users to be created in the database.

vault write database/roles/demo-role db_name=demo-db creation_statements="CREATE USER '{{name}}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{{password}}';GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO '{{name}}'@'%';" default_ttl="1h" max_ttl="24h"

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --db-name demo-db --host demodb.local:3306 --username root --password password --role-name demo-role --configure --rotate-root --role

Vault Policies

Create a policy that would allow the creation of a temporary set of credentials.

vault policy write demo-policy -<<EOF
path "database/creds/demo-role" {
capabilities = ["read"]

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --policy demo-db-r

demo-db-r is the name of the policy. This holds some assumptions. I don’t want to keep creating new policies for every database that I have. As long as I keep the Kubernetes namespace demo similar to the database role demo-role, I can use policy templates. After running the script, the policy will look something like this:

path "database/creds/{{identity.entity.aliases.auth_kubernetes_3626dffe.metadata.service_account_namespace}}-role" {
capabilities = ["read"]

Kubernetes Auth Method

Create a Kubernetes Auth role that grants the policy (that allows for the creation of credentials) to the service account in a specific namespace. All of which have been set up already.

vault write auth/kubernetes/role/demo bound_service_account_names=vault bound_service_account_namespaces=demo policies=demo-policy ttl=1h

Using vault-helpers scripts.

configure/ --names vault --namespaces demo --policies demo-policy --role demo

Testing and Workflow

All of those moving parts may have been confusing, connecting the dots may take a while. Don’t worry, I got you! I’ll explain the important stuff, you can refer to Kubernetes or Vault docs for the others.

Let’s create a temporary pod in our demo namespace and install some basic tools.

kubectl -n demo run -it --rm --image=alpine --serviceaccount=vault test -- /bin/sh
apk add --update vim curl bash jq mysql-client

The vault service account from the demo namespace was used in this pod. That means the service account’s JWT is accessible from within the pod. This is the piece of information that will authenticate you to Vault.

Let’s get the JWT and write it to a variable for easy access.

JWT="$(cat /var/run/secrets/"

If you were paying attention in the setup, we added a Kubernetes auth role (auth/kubernetes/role/demo) with the vault name in the demo namespace. The token that was retrieved is associated with the same service account.

Use the JWT to login and save the token.

TOKEN="$(curl --request POST --data '{"jwt": "'"$JWT"'", "role": "demo"}' -s -k https://vault.local:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login | jq -r '.auth.client_token')"

A few things are happening here.

  • auth/kubernetes/login — we are logging into the kubernetes (default path)
  • demo role is the kubernetes auth role (auth/kubernetes/role/demo)
  • The demo kubernetes role was attached to the demo-policy policy
  • The demo-policy policy has read access to database/creds/demo-role database role.
  • The output is our client token. Think of this as your session cookie.

Use that user token you crazy person you.

curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $TOKEN" -s -k  https://vault.local:8200/v1/database/creds/demo-role | jq -r .data

We wrote to the database/roles/demo-role, to get the dynamic secret we need to read from database/creds/demo-role.

Try it out on your database. Pass in your user and password.

mysql -u$USER -p$PASS -h demodb.local

What’s next?

This is cool and all but how do you apply this into a production-ready environment? I get it, I need my application to implement this workflow in a simple automated manner. Check this out:


Yayyy!!! You did it!!!

There are obviously many ways to authenticate with Vault. Another approach was to use AppRole in the pipeline and keep Kubernetes Vault unaware. That would work and would be better than our current ways which is to have a flat file at our destination. Unfortunately, that forces us to trust our VCS. We would need to make sure our CI/CD secrets are restricted properly, but then if the job has access to the role id and secret id.. problems arise.

Placing the authentication closer to the edge meant less risk. Only a handful of people have access to the cluster and all accessible pieces can be rotated easily. This includes the service account JWT used for authentication, the user token has a TTL, and even the database credentials (TTL and/or number of uses).



Jack Lei

Currently a Site Reliability Engineer. Previously a Sr. Software Developer and Sr. DevOps Engineer.