Are There Multiple Gods?

Jackson Ariels
2 min readJun 25, 2024
Photo by Tim Wildsmith on Unsplash

In Christianity, we are taught that there is only one true God. He is the one who created us, loves us, and who we worship. What if I told you there are other gods? Many Christians would have me thrown out of their study groups and I’d be viewed as a deceiver by those people. I’ve learned over the years that religious beliefs aren’t something I can just blurt out at any time and if I do I better have scripture ready to back me up.

First, in Genesis 1:26, it says “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” If there is only one God, then who is “our”? Most will say it means God and the angels, but there is nothing to definitively tell us this. The only being mentioned at this point in the Bible is God himself. Angels haven’t even been brought up yet. It can be assumed God is talking to his angels, but we don’t know for sure.

There is actually another verse that proves my belief even better. Exodus 20:3 states “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” This is also part of the Ten Commandments. Some say the line is saying not to worship other things as gods, but that is actually the 2nd commandment, which speaks against having idols. A perfect God wouldn’t state the same commandment twice. If there are no other gods, how would it be possible to have other gods before Him and why would he have to warn against doing such?



Jackson Ariels

Editor and research specialist at Write on Purpose. I am a father of one boy and we both show major signs of autism. I grew up around the world.