NaNoWriMoDay 26- The Shoes of Baltimore

J.R. Delaney
7 min readNov 26, 2016


Everything happened so fast, as it normally does with irresponsible people. Within three weeks, they were already boyfriend and girlfriend.

And just as quickly, things were starting to collapse at the fourth-month mark. Because most people don’t reveal who they really are for a few years in a relationship, things can normally get rocky at certain points much later. Even though it seems you might be fighting with your partner more than normal after four years of dating, that’s normally. One of you or maybe both of you is showing who you really are, and that is leaving the other person to question who they are dating. Things you ignored or pretended were cute from before are turning into shouting matches. He leaves his laundry on the floor. She three hours to get ready before going out. Even if those topics aren’t argued about directly, it creates friction that fuels another argument. Why did your boyfriend yell at you for missing the turn? It’s because he’s mad you spent $100 on nail polish instead of paying the cable bill. Why is your girlfriend mad at you for talking to a female friend you’ve both known forever at a party? It’s because she saw your browser history.

However, there was no filter for Mickey and Jen. Their dating experience was accelerated because they had no filter. The head over heels and lovey dovey part started quickly. But that just meant the fights would start even quicker.

The first one was over him having to eat dinner with his family. That was two months in.

“Babe, I’ve invited you to come.”

“I know,” Jen said. “But I don’t want to go. Tonight I wanted to go try that new place in the Mt. Vernon Marketplace. Everyone at work has been talking about it. I’m behind everyone else because you haven’t taken me yet.”

“Babe, my parents just said they were flying in this weekend because my dad said he was invited to speak at a conference at the Convention center. I can’t help the fact they live in San Francisco and I don’t get to see them that often. They really want to meet you! Won’t you just come for a little bit? Then maybe later we can see if we can stop by Mt. Vernon.”

“No,” Jen said firmly. “I told you before that I wanted to go try this new place and it’s not my fault you’re trying to change plans at the last minute. Just tell your parents to eat there!”

“Babe, I can’t. My dad loves walking around the Harbor and checking the places out around there. You know that’s where he and my mom met. It has a special place in his heart.”

“I. Don’t. Care!” Jen pulled off the perfect impression of a 5-year old girl having a hissy fit.

“So you’re just going to go by yourself?” Mickey asked worn down.

“No. Why would I eat somewhere by myself? Because you aren’t taking me, Trevor from work will be taking me.”

In their first date, Mickey tried to show that he wasn’t jealous. But because he wore his heart on his sleeve and they were showing who they were quicker than most people, the jealous started to flow out of him.

“Wow, that was quick,” Mickey said hurt. “You already found a guy to replace me?” It was in the form of a joke, but it was really an accusation. And there was a little anger mixed in for good measure.

Jen rolled her eyes. “So now you’re jealous I’m taking a friend from work?”

“Is he single?” Mickey asked.

“Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“Does he know you have a boyfriend?” Mickey asked.

Everyone in the office knew. That’s because the first week they were dating, he had sent 10 bouquets of roses and a teddy bear that looked like it was 6-foot-5.

“I assume so.”

“What does that mean? Does he or doesn’t he? If he doesn’t, then why haven’t you told him? I’ve told everyone I knew and updated my Facebook status immediately.”

This was one of those underlying issues in the relationship that made Mickey upset even though he never brought it up before. When they decided to date, Mickey was on his phone and changed his relationship status within five minutes of them becoming official. Jen waited a few days because of her mother’s advice to make the guy nervous and leave him hanging.

Jen didn’t pick up on the Facebook dig, but she commented on it.

“Um, what does my relationship status say? Does it say single? No. It says I’m dating you. He’s friends with me on there. So if he didn’t see it on there, he probably heard it around the office.”

“And he’s still friends with you? He’s just willing to give up his Friday night on the drop off a hat for you? Does he flirt with you? Do you flirt with him?”

Mickey had seen some of the interaction between them. One of them was blatant flirting, whether Jen wanted to admit it or not.

Jen’s Facebook: OMG. I want waffles so bad.

Steven’s Facebook: You should come over and make me waffles ;)

Mickey’s Facebook: Yea make me waffles when you’re done!

This guy never met Mickey. Even if it was one of Mickey’s friends who said that, it would be borderline inappropriate. But since Mickey never met this guy and he told his girlfriend to come over and make food, he deserved to be slugged in the mouth.

But, even though Mickey had left the comment, neither of them had talked about it.

“Ugh! We are just work friends!”

Steven was a young lawyer in the firm and the son of one of the partners. He was supposed to become a partner down the road, but Lauren had told Jen not get involved with him.

“It will take too long dear before he has any real money. And as you get older, he’s just going to be looking at the younger secretaries instead of you. It’s not worth it.”

But even though she had no plan of dating Steven because her mother wouldn’t approve, they did have an attraction. They did flirt in the office, and Steven knew Jen had a boyfriend. But he didn’t care.

“Can’t you just be friends with someone of the opposite sex at work?”

You can, but not when you’re each dating someone and are attracted to each other.

“I didn’t like that reply he posted on your wall,” Mickey finally said.

“OMG. Is that really bothering you? That was weeks ago! Why did you take so long to say something? He’s not trying to sleep with me! We are just friends! Why are you so damn jealous? Get over it Mickey! We are going tonight because he’s available and your not. He’s able to take care of me tonight and you’re not. That’s all there is too it. If you could have just convinced your parents to come to the marketplace than you would be with me instead of him. But instead, your father wants to act like a dumb tourist. I think it’s best if you get out now. I’m running late and you’re making me upset.”

“But babe,” Mickey started.


“Babe, please. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”


Mickey did as he was told, walking with his head down like Charlie Brown out of the door.

He was distracted the whole night at dinner. He couldn’t concrete. Mickey couldn’t appreciate the fact that this was supposed to have been a pleasant surprise, his father and mother showing up. He only did see them around the holidays now. His thoughts kept floating back to Jen and what she was doing with Steven.

Keep in mind that this was about who months in their relationship. But even though it was so early, Mickey started to think of all the threats their would be to their relationship. He thought about all the Stevens in the world who wouldn’t care that they were dating and still try to bed her. Mickey thought to himself that he had to ask her to marry him sooner than later. Within the next few months, he had planned to ask Jen for her hand in marriage.

He fought every urge to text her. She will text me when wants to. I don’t want to annoy her anymore than I have. Mickey still didn’t like what that guy had written on her wall, but maybe he was being over protective.

As he was leaving with his parents, he got a text from Jen.

“This place is sooo amazing. Sorry you missed out :(“

This would seem like she was just rubbing it in. Jen wasn’t trying to. It was more like an apology, but she was hard headed and wouldn’t come straight out an apology. Steven had hit on her the whole night. Normally, she wouldn’t feel quilts about it. But because things felt like they were going so smooth with Mickey, she started to feel like he was right being worried.

Mickey wasn’t sure how he should take it, but he was just glad that she had texted him.

He kept the subject neutral to see how it would play out. He didn’t want to get in another argument.

“How was the food?”

“Oh it’s delicious,” Jen replied. “They have this authentic pork like how they prepare it in Korea. AMAZING.”

Mickey’s parents asked if he wanted to join them back at their hotel for a drink. They said they had an extra bed in their room if he just wanted to watch some TV with them and wake up early for breakfast. Normally, Mickey would say yes and would enjoy just spending time with his mom and dad.”

But he declined so he could go back to his place and text Jen.

They went back and forth, with Jen mostly just talking about the food she was eating and what she would get the next time.

There was no talk of Steven.



J.R. Delaney

Writer, but I hope to amass most of my fortune through bridge building and boiling denim. My ebooks smell of rich leather.