NaNoWriMoDay 28- The Shoes of Baltimore

J.R. Delaney
7 min readNov 29, 2016


The month and a half they were broken up was torture for Mickey. He started to believe the narrative that Jen was the best thing that ever happened to him.

He started to drink more. He had a hard time finding motivation to exercise. Mickey’s favorite activity became laying in his bed and replaying the good times in their relationship in his head over and over again.

Mickey did overlook the fact that Jen was the cause of these new habits. And he also overlooked that it probably wasn’t good someone he knew for only four months could alter him so drastically.

He should have thought more about how someone he barely knew was controlling him.

But he didn’t.

And you have to question how good of friends he really had if they didn’t sit him down and tell him to knock it off. He was being a baby.

But, they didn’t say anything to him about it. They drank with him or got food if that’s what he wanted to do.

Near the end of the month and a half, he started to slowly piece his life together. He still had hope that he and Jen would be together again. He never gave up on that. But he was able to keep her out of his mind for half of the day instead of the entire day.

Of course, as Mickey was “getting over her” in his own way, Jen decided she needed to test her powers.

When Mickey had texted her in the first few weeks of their breakup, she just ignored him. The third week in, trying to cause jealousy and just trying to get her to talk to him, Mickey had asked permission to dance with a girl.

Mickey Text: Hey sorry to bother you. I know we aren’t dating and it’s kind of fresh. I’ve been trying to give you space. But this girl I’m friends with asked me to dance. I didn’t say yes because I don’t know what’s officially going on right now with us. And I didn’t want one of your friends seeing me out and dancing with this girl and it comes back to you. It’s nothing serious and I wouldn’t want it to get blown out of proportion. So I just wanted to ask if it’s okay if I dance with this girl for just one song.

After 10 minutes, Jen responded:

Jen Text: Why the hell would I care what you do?

Jen wasn’t satisfied with just putting a knife in his heart. She had to twist it to make sure Mickey bled.

He didn’t even know what to say to that. There was no girl to dance with. He was just saying that, so his gambit had completely backfired. He thought even hearing her scream at him would be better than not talking to her at all, but he was wrong.

However, Jen was a little jealous after hearing this. She also started to worry that some other girl would reap the benefits of having Mickey wait on them hand and foot. She didn’t want to get back together with him then, but she also didn’t want to completely lose him.

Seemingly out of the blue to Mickey, Jen texted him.

Jen Text: Hey, how are you?

Mickey: Hey Jen. How are you doing.

Jen. Fine. Listen, I don’t want you to make this out to be anything more than it really is. But I’m going to be getting my hair and nails done, and my parents are taking me out to dinner Saturday night. On Sunday, I am going to spend the day at my parents’ house. I need someone to walk the dogs both days to tire them out so I don’t have to deal with them when I get back Sunday night. I also need someone to take them to the vet, as well as get groomed. I also need someone to set up those appointments because I don’t have time to. Again, don’t make this anything that it’s not. I want to be clear that this is just something I need done. If it’s not done by you, I will just have someone else do it.

Mickey: Of course! I understand. I can help out.

These little requests started to turn into bigger ones and become more frequent. It involved everything from taking her clothes to the dry cleaners to bringing her dinner. At first, she would have the errands set around times she wouldn’t be at her apartment so she wouldn’t run into Mickey.

But then, she slowly started to let him bring her dinner and spend a few minutes here and there with her.

Eventually, it looked like they were going to get back together.

However, Jen was still keeping her distance. Mickey wasn’t sure what to make of their relationship now, but he was positive Jen wasn’t ready to be fully committed again. She told Mickey that her mom and brother were going to be in the city for the weekend and that she was going to have dinner with them.

She dropped the news casually. Mickey was waiting for her to invite him, but she never did.

So, not expecting to see her that weekend, Mickey decided to go out with friends and drink. He was relaxed and blowing off steam, and he felt good. He was on better terms with Jen, and he was feeling good about where their relationship was headed.

He still had plans to go to physical therapy school, but he wasn’t going to bring up that topic until he was sure they could get back together.

Just as he finished his seventh beer and second shot, he got a text from Jen.

Jen text: We are eating in an hour. I want you to be here.

This was major. She actually wanted Mickey to come to dinner with her! She wanted Mickey to meet her mom and brother!

But Mickey began to panic. He was drunk and knew it. He would make a terrible first impression, and he thought any flames that were rekindling would be put out.

Now, what Mickey should have done is tell Jen it was unreasonable for her to tell him to meet her for dinner in under an hour. She had made plans at the beginning of the week, but she had not extended Mickey an invitation. That means he is under no obligation to attend the dinner at the last minute.

He is going to be at the bar with his friends. If she would like to join him after for a cocktail, that would be fine. But he wasn’t going to drop what he was doing at a drop of the hat to please her every whim.

That’s what he should have said. You can guess by now what he really did say…

Mickey text: Yes. I can be at the restaurant within one hour. What is the attire for the evening my lady?

He thought he was doing a good job at covering the fact he was hammered.

Jen text: Dress nice. And you’re texting weird. Are you drunk?

Mickey text: No! Just had a beer or two. Just being a little funny. I just wasn’t expecting to her from you tonightt either.

Jen text: Okay. I think you’re drunk and you better sober up. You’re spelling things wrong. Go get an energy drink or a cup of coffee right this instance!

Mickey didn’t want to admit he was drunk but he didn’t want to argue. He thought he would concede by doing as he was told while not admitting guilt.

Mickey text: I’m telling you it’s okay. But if it will make you feel better, I promise to get some coffee. I’ll grab a quick cup, change, and I’ll meet you guys.

Jen text: Hurry up.

To his credit, Mickey got home, got a shower, changed into nice clothes, slugged two cups of coffee, and was at the restaurant 10 minutes early. He started to feel dizzy because of the mix of caffeine and alcohol.

To steady his nerves, he ordered a drink from the bar. He thought a shot of whiskey would help balance everything out. Unfortunately, he split some on himself. He tried to wipe it off the best he could, and then swallowed the remaining amber liquid.

When Jen, her mother, and her brother arrived, Mickey had forgot to chew gum. His breath smelled of whiskey, as did his clothes.

You know how most people would introduce someone new? Jen didn’t introduce Mickey to her parents or brother. Mickey kept waiting for an introduction as they stood next to him at the bar, but one never came.

“I see you go her a little early,” Lauren said. The tone was flat, with a hint of an accusation that he had just been boozing for a while.

“Yes ma’m,” he said to Jen’s mom. “I just parked myself here for a drink before you all arrived.”

Mickey was trying to play it cool. He thought he was, but he couldn’t tell that his knees were violently shaking because of his nerves and the caffeine. Lauren noticed all of this.

“Well let’s take our seats.”

Mickey tried his best to make conversation, but it was hard. Jen and her mother mostly talked about people he didn’t know. When he asked questions or tried to find ways to insert himself in the conversation, Lauren and Jen just seemed annoyed.

Jen’s mother didn’t ask any questions about Mickey, which hurt Mickey. He would have thought she would want to know more about the guy who has been dating her daughter the past several months.

Then Mickey started to feel real self-conscious, wondering if Jen had told her mother that they were dating at all. Mickey tried a different tactic and tried talking to her brother, but it didn’t work.

He talked to Mickey, but droned on and on about himself. He talked about his job as an engineer. After Mickey sat there smilingly and nodding stupidly at everything her brother said, that was the end of the conversation. Her brother didn’t feel the need to ask Mickey what he did or anything about himself.

Instead of thinking there was something wrong with this family, Mickey blamed himself and his drinking for the awkward night.



J.R. Delaney

Writer, but I hope to amass most of my fortune through bridge building and boiling denim. My ebooks smell of rich leather.