Single point of failure risk avoidance between PSC nodes through consensus algorithms

3 min readMay 29, 2023

PolySmartChain (PSC) is a decentralized system that aims to eliminate the risk of single point of failure in traditional centralized systems. In a traditional centralized system, if the central server fails, the entire system will not function properly. This vulnerability makes centralized systems vulnerable to attack or failure and can lead to data loss and service interruption.

PolySmartChain’s decentralized structure solves this problem through a distributed network and consensus algorithms. In PSC, the system’s functions and data are distributed across multiple nodes, rather than being centralized on a central server. Each node has the same copy of functions and data so that even if a node fails, the other nodes can still continue to operate and maintain the stability and availability of the network.
The nodes in the PSC network agree with each other through a consensus algorithm. The consensus algorithm ensures that the nodes in the network agree in making decisions and data updates, and prevents the impact of any single node’s error or malicious behavior on the whole system. This decentralized decision-making mechanism makes PSC highly robust and reliable.
Another key feature of PSC is the security and transparency of the data. In a traditional centralized system, data is stored on a central server and controlled and managed by a central organization. This centralized data storage is an easy target for hackers and the central institution may misuse user data. However, PSC uses blockchain technology to store data in a distributed, tamper-evident manner on all nodes in the network. This means that data is no longer under the control of a single node or central authority, but is maintained and verified by the entire network together. Users can verify the integrity and authenticity of the data through transaction records and smart contracts on the blockchain, thus increasing transparency and trust in the data.
In addition, the decentralized structure of PSC provides better scalability and resistance to censorship. While traditional centralized systems are often difficult to scale in the face of massive user or data growth, PSC can increase the capacity and throughput of the system by adding new nodes. At the same time, PSCs are more advantageous in resisting censorship and blocking due to the distributed storage of data and consensus mechanism. While traditional centralized systems are vulnerable to censorship and interference from governments or agencies, the decentralized structure of PSCs makes data more decentralized and difficult to monitor and control.
However, despite the many advantages of PSCs, there are some challenges and limitations. First, due to the nature of distributed networks, data processing in PSCs can be slow. Since each node needs to participate in the consensus process, it may take more time for decisions to be reached. Secondly, the decentralized structure of PSC also poses some management and governance challenges. Since decisions and updates of the system need to be agreed through consensus algorithms, collaboration and cooperation among nodes become more complicated. In addition, PSCs need to address security and privacy protection in distributed networks to ensure the security of user data and transactions.
Overall, PolySmartChain’s decentralized structure eliminates the risk of single point of failure in traditional centralized systems and brings the advantages of data security, transparency, scalability and censorship resistance. However, PSC still faces a number of challenges and limitations that require continuous improvement and evolution. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and innovate, we can expect PSC and other similar systems to play a greater role in the future and bring more benefits and possibilities to our digital society.

