Why Am I Writing?

Jack Greene
1 min readJun 19, 2024


It would be fair to say that I am a private person. I don’t really like people knowing too much about me and I generally like to keep to myself. This is in contrast to some of the writing I have done recently on subjects that are fairly personal to me and I want to try to explain why I have decided to do this.

As I said in my piece titled Music, my mind is fairly active. Fairly is actually an understatement, it is constantly buzzing with thoughts that are my own, those that are intrusive and fleeting and all kinds of stimuli that my senses are picking up and relaying. It can be difficult to manage and as I said in Music I use music to medicate my brain and focus the buzz. I am finding though that not having the ability to talk about the musings, theories and opinions I have is causing my mental storage to fill up so I need a place to share what I am thinking on any given topic that interests me. I used to have an outlet but I lost it.

My hope is that my writing down and publishing the things that are flying around in my head, I will be able to put some of them to bed, however temporarily, and focus on new things that might just be a bit more important and productive.

