Why I Decided to Hire a Life Coach

Jackie Cruz Wagener
8 min readMay 9, 2019
Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash

Let me set the scene. It’s May 2018, early morning. I’m doing what I do every day after I drop off the twins at school. I’m sitting in my car, writing. I have four hours before I have to pick them up again.

This is my writing time.

At the moment, I’m trying to finish up a manuscript so I can send it out to agents, get a contract, and begin my career as a novelist. There are few things I want more in life than to have a career as a writer.

The problem is, I’m stuck in an endless cycle of revisions. Thirteen to be exact. I’ve read and edited the manuscript twelve times in a span of two years, and I’m very close to going insane.

Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash

I’m also very frustrated. And angry. I can’t believe I’m still working on the same manuscript that I started over two years ago. How can I have a career as a writer if I can’t finish my manuscript and send it out?

My writing time ends too soon. It always ends too soon. I’m annoyed that I have to stop my work and go pick up the kids. I often stay in a bad mood through the afternoon and into the evening. I don’t like acting like this — I mean, who likes feeling bad? — but it’s like I have a dark…



Jackie Cruz Wagener

writer. mom of twins. wife. phd in social welfare. i write therefore i am.