1 min readNov 10, 2016


You talk about meeting and fighting for too many families who are living paycheck to paycheck, people ravaged by drug addiction, bright young DREAMers who worry their families will be torn apart, and a remarkable group of mothers who’ve lost children to gun violence and have turned their grief into action.

Many of those were at the Jarvis Center waiting for hours to hear you speak to them, thank them for their support. Instead you went home and sent Mr. Podesta to dismiss them.

Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Clinton. Tuesday night you demonstrated to the world that you talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. There was nothing in it left for you so you walked away.

I hope you learned the lesson of Election 2016: If you can’t beat the most deplorable candidate, and you can only beat the candidate mos beloved in years by cheating, then the nation doesn’t want you.

Please do not try a third time.

