Jackie McShannon
Jackie McShannon

For more than thirty years, I have embraced life with the guidance of Stoic philosophers and the treasures of the classics. My philosophy encourages me to embrace challenges with courage, wisdom, and a steadfast sense of resilience, just like the great Stoics who walked before me.

Living with ADHD has been an unpredictable journey, full of distraction, hyperactivity, and a mind that's more like a whirlwind than a serene lake. However, rather than seeing it as a burden, I consider it a unique lens that has allowed me to explore the world with a different perspective.

Over the last twenty years, I have applied my unconventional approach to thrive in areas like design, marketing, writing, and project management. The journey has been filled with discovery, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace chaos.

Stoicism, with its emphasis on the pursuit of virtue and acceptance of the world as it is, has been my North Star. My love for the classics, including works by the Stoics, fuels my passion for learning and allows me to explore ancient wisdom in a modern context.

In my writing, I often reflect on the wisdom of Stoicism and how it can be applied to the challenges of the present day. I believe that philosophy is not just a theoretical exercise but a practical guide to living a fulfilling life.

I am excited to share what I've learned and continue my journey of discovery. I am constantly learning from life, the Stoics, and the great thinkers of the past, and I'm always eager to share my insights with others.

Medium member since February 2024
Editor of Storied Peaks
Connect with Jackie McShannon
Jackie McShannon

Jackie McShannon

A storyteller embracing the chaos of ADHD thoughts with pen & paper. Join me on this unpredictable journey of daily motivation & creativity.