See you later, honey! We will be missing you, my tea, and me.

Lighten the Load, 2023!

Jacki Sage Art
3 min readJan 1, 2023


One hundred days of Wellness starting now!

Each day I will start with Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra in order of the four books and sutras. Sutras mean “threads,” and each thread stitches together vast, thought-provoking laws written over 2500 years ago; Raja Yoga is the yoga of the mind. I will do my best to keep it simple, although the studies can be pretty complex. There are 200 short sutras, little phrases written to teach us, humans, how to negotiate through any obstacles. We can free ourselves by learning this ancient philosophy to elevate our being and practice our yoga theory “off the mat.”. Book One is called Samadhi Pada. It’s the portion on contemplation. The first sutra on this first day of this new year is:

  1. Now the exposition of yoga is being made.

Here I am connecting with you; this is a form of yoga! We can help raise each other along, as I have been raised each day by so many of you. Share our life experiences so we need not walk this path alone.

I am starting my next teaching series on Jan. 10th and will show you some of my sequences. For the next 100 days, I will post by category, beginning with the corresponding sutra du jour. I will follow with a short commentary of perspectives on it. Second, I will comment on food choices. Third, Physical exercise/Yoga. Fourth, a poem or a quick inspiration of words for the day.

I will create a safe sharing space where I keep myself accountable. I am creating a personal healing program you can enjoy with me. My goal is to lighten the load off my mind, body, and spirit. Each day this week, I will be giving up something in my diet that isn’t serving me well right now. I have agreed to be transparent here so you all know I have an addictive personality and love my sugar and simple carbs. Today is a sweet New Year’s Day, sweet enough to let my sugar intake go. That will be my one small physical sutra to kick off my plan. I will not be getting on the scale, but I know how much I need to shed. I have an idea of my weight, and it’s really about how I feel in my clothes and body.

If anyone would like to follow along with me, I will call this my 100 days of Jackie’s Wellness. I will share some of my eating, yoga, and exercise experience and hope you will join me. If you do, feel free to clap up to 50 times if you like, and all responses and comments are always welcome!

I am sad about saying goodbye to my honey jars and jams. Fresh fruit will be the answer to my sweet tooth for now. I will go to Whole Foods and stock up later today or tomorrow morning. I will break down my posts to

Food: Breakfast will be a bowl of oatmeal without brown sugar or maple syrup. I will juice carrots and apples today and may add some turmeric and ginger too. Later I will make a version of delicious Dal, (Click here for a good recipe: Dal)

Exercise: I will get up shortly to walk my adorable one. I plan to get on the mat and write a sequence for my class later. If you can get at least 20 minutes in to move your body in the way that feels best to you, that will suffice. If you are getting on a yoga mat, lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest, twist/twist, legs in the air, slow, happy baby, turn over to the tabletop position, cat/cow at least three times, remember to use your breath! Then child’s pose finish. In 5–10 minutes on the mat, I promise you will feel more balanced and flexible. At 5 PM, there is a TM talk with Bob and Mario; click to join TM meditation

Poem: A favorite of Bob Roth and myself. Perfect for New Year’s Day!

Self by James Oppenheim (click here) SELF

LoveLife, Jackie



Jacki Sage Art

Sharing my life experience to help others find more healing and freedom in their lives. Loving Mom, Artist, Writer, Massage LMT, TM, Yoga Teacher, Vedas