How I Became an Art Therapist

Jackie Schuld
3 min readApr 26, 2022

I didn’t know art therapy existed until I had already completed my undergraduate degree.

It was 2010 and my sister was in nursing school. She had to interview an alternative practitioner for one of her classes. I was in Americorps, unsure of my career path since discontinuing my education toward becoming a medical doctor (that’s a story for another time).

I’m not sure how my mom found the art therapist, or even how she knew art therapy existed in the first place. It’s one of many mysteries I wish I could ask her about today (she passed in 2014, which you can read a little about here).

Regardless of how the interview originated, all three of us had no idea what an art therapist was. We were intrigued and happily went to the interview together.

The art therapist welcomed us into her private practice studio. We couldn’t believe her warm, welcoming space filled with so many materials.

The art therapist demonstrated a few different techniques and told us about the underpinnings of the field. We were mesmerized. I couldn’t believe there was a field that blended art, soul, and psychology (If you’re unfamiliar with art therapy, you can read more about it here).

When the three of us walked out of there, my sister turned to me and said, “Jackie, that is so you.”

And I felt it too.

I had always made and loved art since I was a kid, but didn’t want to solely be an artist. I didn’t enjoy…



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.