I Expand and Then I Contract

Jackie Schuld
3 min readNov 14, 2022

I love new ideas. I love acting on the energy of a fresh thought and expanding the work I’m doing in the world.

Sometimes that means expanding into a new creative project, like an upcoming book. Sometimes that means reaching out to others to work more together, like setting up accountability partnerships. Sometimes it means expanding my reach with my writing, by trying new platforms like Medium. Sometimes it means starting an autistic talk show.

This style of expansion I contribute to my autistic mind. It has a new idea and I want to try it now! I’m enthusiastic and that enthusiasm blows past any inertia or possible fears. It’s not an impulsive decision, for I still see the things I am blowing past. It is a decision happily made that I feel will benefit myself and the work that I am doing in the world (which is currently primarily focused on late-identified autism, helping therapists start private practices, and providing life-enhancing therapy).

I’ve noticed a pattern in my expansions. I’m usually able to carry them for a while — at least a week. But there always comes a point where my expansions grate against my capacity. Where I realize that what I am doing is not sustainable and an adjustment is needed.

“I Over Expanded” Sketch by Jackie Schuld

This is usually a period of great angst. I do not want to give up my enthusiastic new thing. And, I recognize…



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.