I’d Like an Autistic Therapist

Jackie Schuld
2 min readJun 19, 2024

I wish I could be my own therapist, but that doesn’t work.

I need someone who can see the things I cannot. Someone who possesses knowledge and ideas that I cannot. Someone who has different insights and perspectives than my own.

I’m struggling with some very autistic things right now. They’re the very things I talk to my own clients about.

Like navigating neurodivergence in a romantic relationship.

Or dealing with family members.

Or grieving shitty situations that aren’t going to change.

Or wondering if the amount of pressure you’re putting on yourself is too much.

Or wanting to calm a chaotic mind.

I need someone who gets it. More than that — I need someone who has lived it. Someone who has the lived experience of being a late-identified autistic and knowing how it impacts god damn everything.

Continuous line drawing and watercolor illustration by me

I then need them to have the skillset of a therapist so we can examine all parts of my life.

I also need them to be bold as fuck.

I’m a strong soul. I need someone willing to challenge me and question the things in my mind that can be immovable boulders.



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.