Is Fear Necessary for Courage?

Jackie Schuld
3 min readApr 29, 2022

I have a friend who is extremely level-headed. When an inter-personal conflict arises (like when we disagreed about how to handle a situation with a friend), he is able to calmly discuss.

When unexpected situations arise (like the time I accidentally hit his car), he quietly assesses, reassures, and makes a plan.

When dangerous situations arise (like the time he broke up a physical fight), he swiftly acts in a controlled way.

I want more of what he has. The calmness WITH the ability to act courageously.

“Fear” Illustration by Jackie Schuld

So I inquired about his courageousness. He didn’t think of himself as courageous. He felt he just did what he had to do. I asked if fear came up for him in those moments, and he said he seldom experiences fear.

First, that’s wonderful for him. A life with little fear.

As a woman, that is certainly not my experience of the world. Fear is an important internal message that I must heed to maintain my safety (such as when someone is following me home at night).

I’ve also had times when fear was present and my physical safety was not in jeopardy. For example, when I decided to confront my boss about calling me “baby girl.”



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.