The Great Debate Around Art Therapy Licensure

Jackie Schuld
3 min readJul 5, 2022

I was woefully unaware of the great debate around art therapy licensure or title protection when I went to graduate school.

Now that I have more exposure to the field of art therapy and other art therapists, I am slightly more informed about it.

I also better understand some of the frustration that fuels the push for licensure. For example, it’s frustrating when a therapist who has no training in art therapy claims they “provide art therapy” simply because they use some art in a therapy session.

“Differing Perspective” Marker by Jackie Schuld

As an art therapist, my education in art therapy informs how I approach a client, what mediums I bring into the room, what I watch for during sessions, and more. It’s a completely different approach than other forms of therapy, not just a little bit of art added to a traditional therapy session. I even have my entire art therapy studio designed for providing art therapy sessions.

This is where title protection would ensure that only those with formal education in art therapy can say they are an art therapist or provide art therapy. It would help individuals looking for art therapy to know who is ACTUALLY providing art therapy.

Other therapists also want art therapy licensure so that art therapy can be covered by insurance. As a self-pay therapist, I do not have this need…



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.