Why This Autistic Writer May Not Respond to Your Comment

Jackie Schuld
3 min readJan 19, 2023

Dear Commenter,

I understand you left a comment because you want me to connect with you over your thoughts, perspectives, insights, and opinions. As a writer, I respect that. I also write to connect with people over the same things.

I am writing you this letter to let you know that I cannot connect with you over your comment.

“Don’t Take it Personal I Didn’t Respond” Watercolor by Jackie Schuld

There are many reasons I may not respond to comments:

  1. Time. As a human, we all have limited time. As an autistic adult, my energy capacity is especially limited. Since my body is taking in far more senses and observations, then processing a higher volume of thoughts, I’m often emotionally and mentally spent by the end of the day. I have to capitalize on the times that I do have energy, which means focusing on what I want to be creating and putting out into the world. There simply isn’t sufficient time to respond to all comments.
  2. Human Error. I like to check in on comments when I can, but frequently I find that a comment slips by me. Sometimes, I don’t respond to comments because I simply did not see them. Other times, I see a comment but decide I’ll circle back to respond when I have time. Unfortunately, sometimes I forget to circle back.
  3. Repeated Argument. I often receive comments that express a…



Jackie Schuld

I'm an expressive arts therapist who specializes in late-identified autism/ADHD. I'm also an autistic & ADHDer who loves to write and create art.