Thanksgiving Survival Kit

Jackson Bird
1 min readNov 22, 2016


I’ve had my share of miserable Thanksgivings. I think it’s basically a rite of passage as a queer trans person. Like most of those rites of passage, it totally sucks.

In honor of my family life having plateaued into mostly-bearable-though-still-uncomfortable as well as 2016 being a time of heightened tension for many families, I offer you some practical tips I’ve picked up on over the years. May these suggestions make your holidays, well, if not merry and bright, at least a smidge above horrific.

For the full list, watch the video above. Here’s a taste:

✅ Have an escape plan

✅ Make a list of people to call/text to vent to or plan check-in’s with

✅ Write down reminders of why you’re awesome and loved

✅ Prepare happy things like books to read & playlists to listen to

✅ Find a way to celebrate the holiday in your own way before/after

✅ Give back to the community by volunteering or taking action

✅ Speak up against bigotry if you’re in a safe position to do so

Some resources to help you out:

