Exploring the Different Flavors and Varieties of British Candy

Jackm Smith
4 min readMay 9, 2023


Have you ever tasted British candy? If not, you miss out on a world of delightful flavours and varieties that will tantalize your taste buds. From the famous Cadbury chocolate to the classic hard sweets like humbugs and sherbet lemons, there is so much to explore in the world of British candy. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through the history of British candy, introduce you to some of its most popular flavours and varieties, show you where to find them and even teach you how to make your own! So prepare for a sweet adventure as we delve into the delicious world of Britain’s finest confectionery treats!

A Brief History of British Candy

The history of britain candy dates back to the 16th century when sugar began to be imported from the Caribbean. At that time, sweets were considered a luxury item and only available to the wealthy. In the 19th century, technological advancements made the mass production of candy possible. This led to an explosion in popularity as more people could afford to indulge in sweet treats. Some of Britain’s most iconic candies were created during this time, such as Fry’s Chocolate Cream and Bassett’s Liquorice Allsorts.

During World War II, candy became rationed due to sugar shortages but remained a much-loved treat among civilians and military personnel. It is said that soldiers received special chocolate rations on Christmas Day during both world wars. Today, British candy remains as popular as ever, with traditional favourites like Wine Gums and Jelly Babies still delighting generations old and new. And with new flavours and varieties being introduced constantly, there is something for everyone!

The Different Flavors and Varieties of British Candy

British candy is known for its unique and diverse flavours that satisfy anyone’s sweet tooth. One of the most popular types of British candy is chocolate big foot candy, with brands such as Cadbury and Galaxy being household names across the UK. Aside from chocolate, fudge is another type of British candy that has gained popularity in recent years. Made from butter, sugar, and milk, fudge comes in various flavours, including vanilla, chocolate, and even alcoholic varieties such as whiskey or Baileys.

Another classic British candy is boiled sweets which come in an array of fruity flavours like strawberry, lemon, and blackcurrant. These hard candies are perfect for those who prefer a longer-lasting treat. For those looking for something more adventurous, savoury-flavoured candies are available, like Marmite-flavored fudge or licorice allsorts, which combine sweet and salty tastes. Lastly, don’t forget traditional treats like Jelly Babies — small fruit jelly sweets shaped like babies- or sherbet lemons — hard lemon candies filled with fizzy sherbet powder. The different flavours and varieties of British candy offer something for everyone, whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer something more savoury.

Where to Find the Best British Candy

When it comes to finding the best British candy, plenty of online and in-store options are available. One popular choice is British specialty shops, often found in major cities or tourist areas. These shops offer a wide range of British candies and chocolates not commonly found in regular supermarkets. They also provide a unique shopping experience with their themed decor reminiscent of old English sweet shops.

Many retailers specialize in importing British sweets for those who prefer to shop online. These sites have extensive collections of candies and chocolates from traditional brands like Cadbury, Fry’s and Rowntree’s, as well as lesser-known regional favourites. Another option for finding the best British candy is through international food markets or sections within larger supermarkets. Many stores now stock imported items to cater to a diverse customer base. Whether you’re looking for classic treats like Wine Gums or something more unusual like Jammie Dodgers, there are plenty of places to indulge your sweet tooth with the best British candy store montreal!

How to Make Your British Candy

Making British candy is a fun and tasty activity you can enjoy with friends or family. One of the easiest recipes at home is fudge, which comes in various flavours such as chocolate, vanilla, and butterscotch. To make traditional British fudge, you only need a few simple ingredients: sugar, butter, milk or cream, and flavourings. Start by melting the butter in a saucepan over low heat before adding sugar and milk. Stir continuously until the mixture reaches a boiling point.

Next, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes while stirring occasionally. You’ll know it’s ready when it thickens and turns pale brown. Remove from heat, then add your desired flavouring before pouring it into a greased tray to cool. Another classic British sweet treat you can easily make at home is homemade toffee and caramel apples! You only need fresh apples skewered on popsicle sticks dipped into melted caramel sauce from buttery soft caramels mixed with cream or honey! With these simple recipes, making traditional British sweets has never been easier — so why not give them both a go?


British candy has a long and fascinating history with an amazing variety of flavours and varieties. From classic sweets like Cadbury Dairy Milk to modern innovations like Jelly Babies, there is something for everyone in the world of British candy. Whether you want to sample some traditional sweets or try making homemade treats, exploring the wonderful world of British candy will be a delightful experience. So why not indulge your sweet tooth today? You won’t regret it!

