Gratitude: The Cure

1 min readMay 3, 2023


A poem

Gratitude seems to be the cure for all that life has us endure. When times are tough, gratitude needs to be expressed — sans gruff. When the stars are aligned, gratitude keeps us grounded to handle the next unwind.

Gratitude evens the playing field by cultivating grace — it doesn’t matter if you do or don’t embrace life’s pace. Because life will speed up then slow down.. then without even a whisper you’re back to trying to just not drown.

Take a moment and thank someone, something, or the nothing of it all — but make damn sure to thank those that didn’t let you fall. Mindset is the name of the game.. the only controllable, make gratitude the ground you stand on so that you’re never inconsolable.

When all is said and done, we’re just animals spinning around a sun. We don’t deserve a thing — so let’s be gracious and grateful while we sit back and watch what life will bring.






Sharpening my sword while exercising my thoughts on humanity. Gotta start somewhere..