CS373 Spring 2022: Jan 31-Feb 6

Jack Si
2 min readFeb 7, 2022


What did you do this past week?

Mainly just classes and homework, but the 2 days off were definitely an unexpected surprise. I was able to relax and celebrate over the weekend with some friends.

What’s in your way?

I suppose just general distractions that cause me to get work done later than I would like. Now that I am on campus, meeting friends, going to parties, and other “distractors” can take away from doing my tasks efficiently. I have uninstalled all video games and hope to do better next week with balancing enjoyment and work.

What will you do next week?

My main focus is to finish the coding projects for both CS371p and CS373. I have started working out at Greg and want to start playing 5 on 5s at the courts, so hopefully I can start doing that next week. Sleep schedule is still being worked on, and now that it has been a week since arriving on campus, I hope that a clear schedule begins to develop.

What did you think of Paper #3" Continuous Integration?

I thought it was a pretty interesting article, though a lot that was covered I have already made a habit of doing. Regardless, it was nice to read and gave me an opportunity to further hammer home the habits of frequent commits, commit builds, and integration builds.

What was your experience of UnitTests, Coverage, and IsPrime?

All three things done last week were pretty self-explanatory, but I always wondered what coverage tests would output (so it was nice to see that). I appreciate that IsPrime was a simple exercise that helped us get familiar with the process rather than a legitimate exercise. Now that I have experienced blogs, papers, projects, exercises, and quizzes, I expect the class to start speeding ahead.

What made you happy this week?

The 2 days without class was pretty nice. It definitely messed up some of my schedule, but an unexpected break is always appreciated.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

While reading the paper for this week, I ran into the author briefly mentioning Selenium (as it is used for autonomous testing for web developers). It reminded me of my uses with it and especially how easy it was to use. I have used it for scripting and data scraping, but there is an extremely accessible Chrome extension that makes automation on websites very easy. If you ever find yourself doing tedious, repetitive work on a browser, Selenium is a nice tool to use to speed up the process.

