The Triassic Period

Jackson Polidori
2 min readNov 7, 2023


To most, science can seem boring, challenging, or just flat out confusing, but to me, science is just a fun way to think, answer questions, and learn.

Science, in general, is awesome, but what I really want to focus on is the discipline of paleontology, which is the study of ancient life. while we could explore millions of years of ancient history, what I really want to focus in on is the Mesozoic Era, or ‘era of middle life’.

This time period spanned from about 250–65 million years ago. It is further dived into chunks of time known as periods. In the Mesozoic, there were three, the Triassic, the Jurassic, and the Cretaceous. The most important things about the Mesozoic are….DINOSAURS!

These magnificent creatures lived throughout the Mesozoic, and evolved and prospered for millions of years. This all started in the late Triassic. Back then, dinosaurs were not the most dominant animals, this title belonged to a group of reptiles called Rauisuchians, who had dominated for a long length of time.

Various Rauisuchians

As these animals eventually died out, in their place came the first dinosaurs. these animals were, at first, somewhat primitive. The most notable of these were Celophysis, Plateosaurus, and Herrerasaurus.

Next up was the Jurassic Period, but that’s another story…..

