Trusted Advisor #4: Set and follow expectations

Jackson Bubolz
3 min readMar 15, 2020

Originally published on October 16, 2019

Serving our community’s TOP TRUSTED ADVISORS

Understand what your competition does, and do it slightly better

Most realtors feel, “Insurance just doesn’t affect me that much.” They tell the client to work with the person who does their auto and move on the next step of closing. After hearing this dozens of times, even from top 5% of Trusted Advisors, I decided to “frame” for them the fantastic opportunity to build a team that supports their business.

It all starts with the basic expectations. I challenged that since Trusted Advisors are running point for their client’s “vendor selection”, why not put businesses in place that will make the Advisor look great at every turn? I shared that most lenders like to know once I’ve met with their clients, and like a “check in” two weeks before closing. I asked realtors if that would be valuable… they said they never thought about it, but loved the idea of more control in the closing process.

A step further, once a home is purchased, I asked how often the Advisors personally connected with their past clients. Most Trusted Advisors have a difficult time staying in front of past clients because there is no promise of revenue until a referral or new property comes into play. As Elevated…



Jackson Bubolz

Husband, Father, Community Servant, Insurance man, Reader.