Android and Native C/C++ Libraries

They’re everywhere.

Jackson Cheek
1 min readDec 8, 2018


The 100 most popular applications for the Android platform (as of December 2018) have been installed 54+ billion times.

I downloaded each of the most popular app’s APK file and unzipped them to count the number of compiled native C/C++ libraries that each app contained.

for app in *.apk; do
app=$(basename -- "$app")
mkdir -p ${appPackage}
cd ${appPackage}

unzip ${appPackage}
numberOfNativeLibs=$(find . -type f -name "*.so" | wc -l)

cd ..

echo "$ranking $appPackage $numberOfNativeLibs"
done | column -t

85% of the one hundred most popular apps contain native code with 1038 individual shared objects (.so files).

Instagram contained a total 141 native libraries!

Top 100 Apps and Number of Native Libraries

