Don’t you ever tell me your multiple usernames again

Jackson Kamya
3 min readJul 8, 2019

In today’s world with multiple online platforms including social media, professional media among others, you find yourself with multiple usernames on different platforms. Several reasons lead to this kind of thing:

  1. You could find the username you want to use on a certain platform is already taken and duplicates aren’t allowed. For instance you could call yourself “no-one” on Facebook but then you find that a “no-one” already exists on Twitter, so you can’t use that there.
  2. Different platforms enforce different rules against what qualifies as a valid username. Twitter allows hyphens (-) in usernames but Instagram doesn’t. This simply means you can call yourself “no-one” on Twitter (assuming the username is not already taken) but you can’t use that on Instagram.
  3. You could decide to have different presences in different capacities on different platforms. You could have a personal account, one as an artist if you are, another as a programmer, among others. This is because you may want to isolate your programming content from your content as an artist because you may have different audiences.

The reasons are many, bottom line is that you are most likely to have multiple usernames. And how do you let your fans and other people looking for you find you on the multiple platforms?

The Traditional Way: Advertise your multiple usernames, make people keep up with your multiple presences manually.

The Legends Way: Create a collection of links to your multiple presences on Linkist and share a link to that collection instead. One place to find all your online presences.

As a friend, Linkist will be there for you in times of need. Those are words from the wise, aka je-kaypro.

How to do it The Legends Way

Step 1: Visit Linkist ( and create an account by logging in with Google or Facebook

Linkist Login Page

Step 2: Create a collection with a good name

  • Click the header of the page to go to your user page.
  • At the page, click the button labelled “+COLLECTION” to create a collection.
Linkist “Create Collection” Page

Step 3: Add links to your collection

On creation of the collection, you will be redirected to the page for that collection. From there, all you have to do is click on the button labelled +LINK to add links to your collection

Linkist “Create Link” Page

Note that when you start by typing “@”, the form assumes you are adding a username and offers suggestions for common platforms, all you have to do is click on a suggestion after you’ve typed your full username.

Step 4: Start sharing the link to your collection

Now it’s up to you to find ways of sharing that link. Good luck!



Jackson Kamya

I am a Software Engineer. I write about what I work on, the tools I use and everything in between.