Jackson Kilfoyle
2 min readJun 21, 2016


Hi Laura

I know that this might be a close topic for you but I just found your story today and it was great. I love the stance you are taking on this subject as well as the way you worded it…..mostly. As you have very well guessed by now considering the thread this response is on I to also have an issue with the way you phrased the beginning of your article. I am not say that men need to be comfortable to bring change, I agree with you that to make change happen men need to be brought out of their comfort zone but what I believe Fact Checker was trying to say was that with the way you worded the beginning of your article you are driving away men that are sitting in the edge. Think about it this way.

A guy stumbles on to an article about the problems against women in todays society. The man being a “normal” person decides that it might be interesting to read it so he clicks on the link (that’s how I found it) but after he reads the first few line he gets a feeling that this is just going to be another all men are bad articles and leaves never to read the rest of you article even and not seeing you message at the bottom.

Do you see where me and Fact Checker are getting at? We fully support what you are doing current and while I can’t speak for fact Checker I feel that same in terms of men needing to be uncomfortable to change we just believe that you might be driving away men that could be brought over to your cause by the way you wording is in the beginning.

Also I did happen to read the list of responds between you and Fact Checker and I don’t see the reason to be insulting him…while he did bring up different facts defending? (I can’t think of a better word) he never once said anything hurtful towards you, in fact he openly supported you in what you were doing on this site so I think calling him a mansplainer a bit uncalled for. (Unless I think it means some completely different than what it does)

You can call me anything you want I just figured I would let you know because if only one person sees it then you can dismiss it but if two people see a problem then there are bound to be others.

Thank you for reading (if you did..) and sorry once again I fully support what you are doing here and hope you continue with it

