How to Check for Windows Updates With the “Get-HotFix” Command in Windows PowerShell

Tutorial on How to Use the “Get-HotFix” Command in Windows PowerShell to Check for Windows Updates

Jackson Joseph Lloyd
3 min read4 days ago


In managing and maintaining a Windows operating system, staying up-to-date with the latest patches and updates is crucial for ensuring system stability, security, and performance.

One powerful tool for system administrators and IT professionals to manage these updates is Windows PowerShell, a task automation framework consisting of a command-line shell and scripting language.

Among the myriad of commands available in PowerShell, the “Get-HotFix” command stands out for its ability to provide detailed information about the updates installed on a system. Below is a tutorial on how to use the command, as well as some of the benefits (and drawbacks) the command brings.

How to Use the “Get-HotFix” Command in Windows PowerShell

  1. Click “Search” on your Taskbar
Windows Search (and Start located to the left)

2. Type “Windows PowerShell”

3. Right-click and select “Run as administrator”

Windows PowerShell — Run as administrator

4. Click “Yes” when prompted by User Account Control

5. Type the command “Get-HotFix” (and press “Enter”) to view the list of installed Windows Updates

“Get-HotFix” Command in Windows PowerShell

Benefits of the Command

By leveraging the “Get-HotFix” command, administrators and IT professionals can efficiently manage and verify the update status of their systems, contributing to a more secure and well-maintained IT environment.

  • View Installed Updates: Displays a list of all installed hotfixes and updates on the system
  • Troubleshooting: Helps identify if specific updates have been installed, which can be crucial for troubleshooting issues
  • Security Compliance: Ensures that all necessary security patches have been applied to the system
  • System Inventory: Provides a detailed inventory of updates for system documentation and auditing purposes
  • Automation: Can be used in scripts to automate the checking of update installations across multiple systems

Drawbacks of the Command

While the “Get-HotFix” command in Windows PowerShell is a powerful tool for managing and viewing installed updates, there are some limitations and potential drawbacks.

  • Limited Scope: The “Get-HotFix” command only shows installed updates and hotfixes, not all types of updates such as feature updates or those installed through third-party software
  • Performance Impact: Running the command on systems with a large number of installed updates can be slow and may temporarily affect system performance
  • Incomplete Information: The command does not provide detailed information about each update, such as the purpose or impact, requiring additional research
  • No Uninstall Capability: “Get-HotFix” only retrieves information about installed updates and does not offer functionality to uninstall or manage them directly
  • Requires Administrative Privileges: Running the command effectively often requires administrative privileges, which might only be available to some users
  • Script Complexity: Automating update checks across multiple systems using “Get-HotFix” can become complex, especially in larger environments with diverse configurations
  • Network Dependency: When used in a networked environment, retrieving update information from remote systems may depend on network stability and speed


The “Get-HotFix” command in Windows PowerShell is a useful tool to monitor installed updates, aiding in troubleshooting, security compliance, and system inventory management. However, it has limitations such as a narrow scope, potential performance impact, and the need for administrative privileges. Understanding these aspects allows administrators, IT professionals, and users to effectively deploy the “Get-HotFix” command as part of a comprehensive update management strategy, ensuring a well-maintained and secure IT environment.

