Do you ever feel inherently wrong?

Jack Sutton
3 min read3 days ago


Which way is right?

Because I have. Sometimes I feel inherently wrong for the way I am, for the way I’m being in that moment, for the way I have acted.

It’s like my definitions of what life should be like for me, cause me to feel inherently wrong for being where I am.

You know the feeling?

If you do…keep reading.

Because I’m determined to rewrite the script of this.

How can we ever be wrong if we perceive ourselves as right?

People’s opinions of us wouldn’t matter to us, because we’d perceive ourselves as right.

But what if we constantly perceive ourselves as wrong?

So we always feel just out of alignment with our life as it is, and sometimes feeling powerless to change it; because however we manage to change it, it’s like somewhere else will always be the right place to be.

Do you ever feel like you’re wasting your life where you are, yet can’t quite put your finger on as to how?

Like everything you’re doing is not quite right for the life you deserve?

How do we solve this? Then again, is this really a problem to be fixed, or actually the solution hiding within the very framework of our perception?

Humour me…

What if everything is right?

What if everything we do, say, act on, feel, think, love, dislike, prefer – is all perfectly executed?

Even if this isn’t the idea you had for your life.

What if you had that idea, right.

So really, you had the right idea all along.

You were executing on having that specific idea, perfectly. Doesn’t matter the circumstances, because how you felt about them was done so well.

It seems the more we acknowledge this, the more we become familiar with acknowledging ourselves as getting it right; whatever it is — be it an emotion, thought, belief, idea or action etc.

The more we acknowledge ourselves, the better we’re allowed to feel about ourselves.

No matter what ideas we have about the circumstances of our life or our internal conditions.

As soon as we feel good about ourselves no matter the definitions we have in our minds, we win.

Definitions of what?

Definitions of what life is supposed to be.

How we’re supposed to act.

What we’re supposed to be thinking.

What we’re supposed to be feeling.

We can transcend the rules our bodies have learned, and become the love it so desperately needs.

In the words of Neville Goddard:

“We are the operant power”

We may have unconsciously taught the body to feel inherently wrong, but we can consciously rewrite the teaching as the power that we are.



Celebration of however we feel.


Affirm and anchor the vibration we wish to feel.

Choosing the right to feel good.

Our power lies in our choice to choose it.

So let’s choose a way where we get to feel good about ourselves.

May this article be a catalyst for the uplifting of your spirit and the realisation of will to burst open your heart with love.

