The #BenefitMindset Schools Challenge

Jack Greig
3 min readSep 26, 2016


#BenefitMindset Schools Challenge poster

The #BenefitMindset Schools Challenge gives students and teachers the opportunity to be among the first in the world to create and share a learning resource that will contribute to other’s learning and flourishing in school.

Who is it for?

The #BenefitMindset Schools Challenge is a learning activity — learning by connecting, experimenting, creating and sharing. It’s open to any school, anywhere. Whether you be primary, secondary, public or private, we’d like to experience the ways you learn and talk about mindsets.

What can I make?

To help get you started we have compiled some examples and prompts for you to read and ponder here: #BenefitMindset Challenge — Examples and Prompts.

There are no parameters but as a guide we say — make something that gets you excited.

Some learning resources we’ve seen are posters, graphics, cartoons and mind maps. Like this one here:

Mindset posters

How do I take part?

Once you’ve created your masterpiece it’s time to share it with the world! This is your opportunity to collaborate and inspire others. We all know, learning works best when shared.

Finally, make sure to hashtag #BenefitMindset when sharing on your preferred social media channel and then simply send a link to your creation to and we will share it too.

Why the Benefit Mindset matters?

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value” — Albert Einstein

There is a global movement taking place in education. Teachers and students are fundamentally rethinking why we go to school. At its core is a simple question; what does it really mean to be successful in life? Rather than promoting ‘accomplishment for accomplishments sake’, teachers are focussing on how they can educate whole people and promote long-term wellbeing. They explore the things that make life worth living, and how students can cultivate valuable skills like empathy, compassion and gratitude.

At its core is a new mindset emerging around the world. It is a purpose-driven mindset that is redefining success; from being the best in the world, to being the best for the world. It is the Benefit Mindset.

The Benefit Mindset builds on Carol Dweck’s pioneering research, on how beliefs about the nature of intelligence can profoundly shape our ability to learn and grow. This framework takes her Fixed and Growth Mindset to the next level — towards a richer definition of success.

Teaching the Benefit Mindset in our schools could be one of the best points of leverage we have for liberating human potential — and simultaneously bringing out the best in business and the planet.

Imagine what would be possible if we had generations of students finishing school with a rich appreciation of how their unique strengths could make the world a better place. Imagine the ripples of change that would be possible with whole generations living their lives with purpose. Imagine a world where individualism and collectivism flourishes side by side.

It’s time to further this conversation and redefine success in our education system.

Want to get in touch or read more about the Benefit Mindset? Visit us at



Jack Greig

Educator | collaborator | forever learner | wellbeing design | social innovation | benefit mindset